I'm all for being honest with your kids. I admit when I am wrong about how long it took to get to the dentist or when I don't know the answer to "Why don't Barbie's thumbs move?" But I'm also fond of white lies, little fibs we tell to make childhood fun, stories we make up about the magical powers of blankies and just how special French fries are when made out of zucchini. And, of course, tales about the iconic holiday characters fall smack-dab in the middle of this category.
Iconic holiday characters, friends. Santa Claus, the St. Paddy's Day leprechaun, Hanukkah Harry, Cupid, and of course, The Easter Bunny. As we near the day when the Easter Bunny will hop his way around the world delivering eggs of all kinds (plastic, dyed, chocolate, or otherwise), questions may start cropping up about the famous hare.
Don't stress — we're here to help! We've gathered the best lies about the Easter Bunny to tell your questioning kiddos.
Is the Easter Bunny a boy or a girl?
Lie #1: The Easter Bunny is a boy. Bunnies are known to have lots of little baby bunnies, so no female rabbit has enough energy to deliver all of those eggs. She's too tired after looking after all of her babies all day to even think about hiding eggs.
What's the Easter Bunny's name?
Lie #2: The Easter Bunny's name is Egbert. Get it … Egbert.
Is the Easter Bunny married? Does he have kids?
Lie #3; Yes, he is married … to a very understanding bunny named Betty. They have 7 sons and 13 daughters.
__How does he make all of the candy and deliver the eggs to everyone? __
Lie #4: The Easter Bunny — like his buddy Santa Claus (or Hanukkah Harry, depending on what you celebrate) — has many helpers to get eggs, candy, and baskets to children all over the globe. While Santa has elves, the Easter Bunny has a legion of highly-trained woodland creatures: chipmunks are in charge of chocolate, squirrels make baskets, gophers handle the egg production.
Lie #5: Thanks to new technology, the Easter Bunny can easily talk with all of his helpers around the world. He is a Mac guy — he has an iPhone and an iPad. He relies on Google Maps to help him track the best hiding places.
Lie #6: He has a team of genius rabbit developers and scientists that come up with new gadgets to make his delivery system top-notch. No mere sled for Egbert. Nope, he has a few options to choose from: a custom-made Alfa Romeo equipped with egg launchers and a special GPS system, as well as the EggJet 2000, which has stealth capabilities.
*Rabbits don't hatch from eggs. Why does he deliver eggs? *
Lie #7: A long time ago, the Easter Bunny delivered bottles of candy, but they were harder to hide and transport. Then, for a bit of time, he hid wooden boxes, but they became cumbersome as well. Eggs are light and fit easily in his pockets.
In the famous poem about Santa, he says, "Happy Christmas to all — and to all a good night!" as he leaves. Does the Easter Bunny say anything when he hides the eggs?
Lie #8: It is a little known fact that he does have a saying. According a transcript of one of the only sightings of the Easter Bunny discovered in a small library in Turku, Finland, he whispers this phrase after placing the goodies: "Bobo koko mari! These eggs I leave for you!" For centuries, researchers have hunted for clues and hints as to the meaning of this or where this sighting occurred, but it remains a mystery.