Have you planned what kinds of portraits you'll take while you're pregnant — or were you just going to kind of wing it with a series of random shots? I did the latter, and, well … I kind of wish I'd given those photos just a leetle more thought. Like, maybe I should have run a brush through my hair before someone grabbed a camera.
Anyway, if it's not too late for you, here are 10 classic pregnancy poses. Do your hair, find some soft lighting, and just have fun with these!
Positive Results

First of all, get a photo of those results that you're "positively" pregnant. We'll all try and forget it's a picture of something you peed on.
Just Barely Showing

It's not beer. It's not gas. It's a baby! Promise.
Hands On My Belly

Just your big, beautiful belly, cradled in your hands. Decoration is optional.
Sibling Love

What could be cuter than a portrait with a soon-to-be big brother or sister giving their future baby sibling a hug?
Heart Hands

Aww, make a little heart shape with your hands over your belly.
The Tasteful Nude

For the boldest among you! You know, where you pretend it's Annie Leibovitz shooting your portrait, maybe in black and white, and you're either tastefully nude or nearly so, and you gaze into the distance beatifically? Yup, that's the one.
OMG Look How Big Profile

Turn to the side and see that belly pop out! Especially effective when you write how many weeks along you are directly on your belly.
Daddy Love

Get your baby daddy in one of those pictures. I especially like the ones where he's hugging mama from behind.
Daddy Love II

Or this one, where he's kissing your belly.
Portrait Only YOU Would Do

I mean, why not? Because every expecting mom is unique.