For the most part, I got really, really lucky and had a pretty routine pregnancy with my son seven years ago. Sure, I was huge, had more than my fair share of heartburn and hemorrhoids, and was uncomfortable as hell towards the end — but I was never sick and/or miserable at any point during that nine months.
But while I didn't fall victim to morning sickness, there was one thing that absolutely made me gag — the smell of my husband's deodorant.
OMG. It was the grossest thing EVER. I was so turned off by it, in fact, that he was forced to switch brands for the sake of me hanging onto my lunch.
Having a heightened sense of smell during pregnancy is a funny thing, and I'm not the only one who had a certain scent she just couldn't stand. Check out the photos below to see 20 other smells that moms report making them want to puke while expecting.
Image via Clean Wal-Mart/Flickr

"Even the sight of it would make me gag!" — @Kelly_Gallello
"I had a serious food aversion to chicken. And go figure, chicken is one of my son's favorite foods!" — @YvonneZaccone
"Any kind of chicken, raw, cooked, couldn't even stand to look at it. I was so averse that after I had him that it took me another month to try it again." — Michelle
"Chicken being cooked!" — @pearson2363
The Fridge

"I couldn't open the fridge at all. The smells were too much. Lots and lots of take out in this house for nine months." — @QuestionableCIP
Slim Jims

"Slim Jims. Which a few of my students brought to school every day as a snack. After the 'we should only bring healthy snacks' lecture didn't stop the Slim Jims from showing up at snack time, I started having snack time outdoors so the smell wouldn't linger in my classroom." — Shell, Things I Can't Say

"The smell of bacon did it for me. Funny, I have always liked bacon but I couldn't tolerate it while carrying." — Ty
Raw Meat

"The smell of my own cooking. Raw meats. Anything like that. I did not want to cook even though I was always hungry." — @MyMamihood
"Raw beef (gagging now)." — Michelle

"I was gagging at the smell of anything greasy, alcohol (I was a waitress), and coffee!" — Raynah
"Crazily enough, it was coffee. Un-pregnant, I drink at least two pots a day. But the day I got pregnant, I wanted nothing to do with it." — Lara Kulpa
The Car

"The smell of my new car/leather would make me vomit everytime I opened the damn door!" — @RachelAbbe

"Any deli in any grocery I would gag!" — Jill
Fast Food

"With my first the smell of Burger King was the worst!" — @LisaMorgridge

"Perfume or cologne. I work at a bank and people really know how to overdose on the good smelling stuff." — April
"My expensive perfumes I had to give away." — Onidis

"I couldn't stand mint, I was on a neverending search for toothpaste that didn't make my stomach turn." — @JessBWatson
"Mint. Had to get kids strawberry toothpaste to brush my teeth." — Lori

"Pizza. It was heartbreaking." — Erica
Hand Sanitizer

"Hand sanitizer. Shiver." — Maggie, I've Got a Bucket Full of Awesome

"Caramels, like the milk maids candies or the bullseye candies." — @mrskilgore41809
Dog Food

"The dog's food. It's the dry kind but still smelled foul. Luckily my husband feeds the dog!" — Elizabeth
Red Meat

"Red meat did it every time. Even the THOUGHT of red meat sent me running to the toilet!" — @susanseufert