Anywhere between the ages of 3 months and 3 years, your baby's teeth will start coming in. And frankly we're not sure who teething is harder on: the baby, or the mom who doesn't know how to make her little one's sore gums feel better. What's more, the FDA recommends against using popular over-the-counter teething treatments that contain benzocaine, which can lead to life-threatening health problems.
So what's a mom with a baby in the throes of teething pain to do? Luckily there are plenty of natural treatments for teething pain in babies that can help nip it in the bud.
*Image via iStock.com/blendcreations; iStock.com/YsaL *
Frozen Pacifier

For babies who love their binkies, sucking on a pacifier fresh from the freezer (keep it in for about 15 minutes) can work wonders for teething pain. Philips Avent Pacifier ($3.34, Target.com) is BPA-free, is made of hospital-grade silicone, and meets safety standards set by the Consumer Products Safety Commission. If your baby is more into bottles, fill a BPA-free one with water, then store in the freezer upside down!
Silicone Teethers

Silicone, the same material used to make many pacifiers and bottle nipples, also makes great teething accessories. This chic chewbeads teething necklace and bracelet set ($50.50, chewbeads.com) is BPA, phthalate, PVC, and latex free, which will reduce baby's exposure to chemicals (or for a completely natural option see our next slide).
Cloth Teethers

Fabric teethers like this organic cotton knit monkey ($12.99, buybuybaby.com) are also becoming very popular, and may have less risk associated with it than prolonged exposure to most plastics, says Arbeitman.
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Better yet, you don't really need anything other than your own hand to massage away baby's teething pain. Just run your finger against the gums to provide counter-pressure on the teeth coming out, advises Mark Helm, a dentist in Los Angeles. You can also rub the gums with moistened gauze, or massage the cheeks and ears, which can reduce teething pain from the outside in (which explains why teething babies often rub their cheeks and tug their ears).
Wooden Teethers

For moms who want to steer clear of plastic teethers, wooden teethers have become incredibly popular. This maplewood Waldorf teething ring ($9.99, Amazon) is hand-sanded to a smooth texture with no toxic coatings or finishes — and no splinters.
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Frozen Washcloth

A plain old washcloth, soaked in water and stuck in the freezer, works in a pinch. Give one to your baby to chew on and the cool moisture and the pressure generated from chewing will sooth baby's inflamed gums, says Keith Arbeitman, a dentist in New York at Arbeitman and Shein. You can also dip the washcloth in breast milk, a natural painkiller (see our next slide).
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Breastfeeding can be soothing and comforting for babies who are in any kind of pain, teething included. Plus, research suggests breast milk triggers the production of endorphins in the baby, which are nature's painkillers. Liquid gold is right!
Frozen Fruit

If your baby has already started solids and tried different fruits with no signs of allergy, then a simple teething solution is to freeze the fruit. Frozen pineapple rings make a perfect teether, as do slices of watermelon, and frozen bananas, says Danielle Dugan at Smartmom. Your little one will love rubbing the cold fruit on her budding teeth, as well as tasting the natural sweetness. Of course, always monitor babies when eating in case they break off a chunk of food, which could be a choking hazard, or consider a handy mesh fruit feeder!
Teething Biscuits

If your baby has started solids, consider teething biscuits, which have been used for centuries to relieve baby's pain. Earth's Best Toddler Biscuits are organic and preservative-free ($2.69, drugstore.com).
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Camilia, which comes in the form of an herb or liquid droplets (like shown above for $11.05), can relieve teething pain naturally. "I love this herb," says Jennifer Burns, a holistic doctor in Phoenix at the Bienetre Center. "Like with anything else, some herbs work on people and some herbs don't, but you can make a tea with it and it helps to calm the baby down and is very safe."

Amber is an ancient teething remedy that's resurfaced in popularity, and for good reason. "The latest news is that it contains succinic acid, which has anti-inflammatory properties," says Dr. Burns. That said, amber teething necklaces like the one above ($24.79, amberforbabies.com) should be worn close enough to the neck that it can't be pulled and gnawed on; amber works via contact with the the skin, rather than by direct application on the gums. Dr. Burns also warns that moms should proceed with caution and always keep an eye on babies wearing them, since the necklace could pose a strangulation hazard or, if it breaks, the beads could be cause babies to choke.
Natural Rubber Teether

Natural rubber is another material that's perfect gnawing material for teething babies. This Hevea Panda Teether ($12.67, amazon.com) is free of phthalates, BPA, and PVC.

Ginger root is a great natural anti-inflammatory that can help relieve teething pain, says Dr. Burns. Gently rub a slice on your baby's gums or, if your baby finds it's too spicy, make a tea out of it, then soak a washcloth in it for your baby to gnaw on.
Sophie the Giraffe

There's a reason you see Sophie the Giraffe ($21.24, amazon.com) just about everywhere: It's the perfect chew toy for teething babies. It's also phthalates and BPA free, made of natural rubber with food paint.
Hyland's Teething Tablets

Many moms swear by Hyland's Teething Tablets (from $9.35, amazon.com) as a homeopathic treatment for teething. Yet not everyone is on board with rave reviews. In 2010, the FDA issued a warning about the product due to its high levels of belladonna, a substance linked to seizures and breathing problems in children. A year later, the manufacturer re-introduced this product with a new formula, claiming that each tablet contains only "approximately 0.0000000000002 mg of Belladonna" apiece, an amount so small they claim it's safe. Still, if you do try this option, keep a close eye on your baby's reaction.
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