15 Fun, Easy Ways to Surprise Your Kids for Free (Or Close to It)

Surprises come in all kinds of shapes, sizes, and most importantly, budgets. When you've got little ones, it really doesn't take much to make them squeal with delight from the unexpected. All it takes is thinking outside the box.

Want to surprise your kid for no reason at all, but don't want to shell out a lot — or any — money? Here are 15 super easy, free or practically-free ideas that make awesome surprises.  

Because, really, is there anything cuter than a wide-eyed little one who's totally caught off-guard (in a good way)?

How have you surprised your children?

Image ©iStock.com/Ezhicheg

Sneak Some Balloons


Want to really blow your kid's mind? Sneak some colorful balloons into their room at night when they're sleeping. Who wouldn't love waking up to a sea of balloons on their ceiling?!

Make Up a Holiday


It doesn't have to be a real holiday to have a celebration. One morning, declare it, "National Teddy Bear Day," where all the teddies in the house require special treatment, or "Dancing Day," where instead of walking all day, you have to dance!

Create a Scavenger Hunt


Create a scavenger hunt around your house and yard — or neighborhood, depending on your kid's age — and let the wacky fun ensue! What kid doesn't feel incredible when they crack a clue and move onto the next?

Take Them Out for a Cone


Ice cream cones are always fun, but they're even more exciting to kids when they come along with another surprise, such as showing up (unbeknownst to them) a little early to grab them from school. Ice cream + surprise school pick-up = Coolest. Mom. Ever.

Last Minute Movie


You know how kids are always asking if they can stay up later? Why not let them once in a while! About an hour before their bed-time, tell them they can stay up and watch a movie — and of course popcorn consumption is mandatory. 

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Take Breakfast to a New Level


Instead of your kid's normal oatmeal and fruit breakfast, kick things up a notch one morning with a meal arranged in the shape of a silly face or crazy animal.

Slip Something Into Their Lunch

iStock.com/Jill Chen

If your kid brings his lunch to school each day, pop something cute into his lunch box that will make him smile. A sweet note, a funny drawing — it doesn't really matter. As long as it's from you!

Have a Surprise Guest or Playdate


Building anticipation for kids can be fun — we get to see them get excited and giddy. But instead of hyping up a play date or a visit from a fun relative, don't tell your child at all. Odds are, they'll be more excited at the fun surprise. 

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Let Them Pick Dinner


Instead of telling your kid what she's going to have for dinner that night, why not take her to the store and ask her what she wants — and let her prepare it, too! (Within reason, obviously.) Kids love being little chefs! The clean-up may be extra that night, but it'll totally be worth it.

Have a DIY Bar


A cereal bar with loads of fruity toppings? A popcorn bar where you can mix in chocolate and nuts? And, of course, an ice cream bar, where anything goes?! Kids love making their own creations, so instead of serving everything as-is, let them get a little wild with a DIY-style bar. 

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Leave a Cute Note on the Mirror


Your little one will be delighted to see a sweet message or smiley face written on the mirror when they head into the bathroom to brush their teeth.

Have a Date Night


If you have multiple kids (or even if you don't!), let each child feel special by taking them out for some one-on-one time. Doesn't have to be anywhere out of the ordinary — the park, the beach — but there's no better gift than your undivided attention. 

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Go Camping ... In Your Backyard


No need to pack up your house and home for a fun camping trip! Let your kids sleep in the backyard in a tent one night (with adult supervision, of course!). Odds are, they won't get the best sleep they've ever had, but the memory will last a lifetime!

Treat Them Like Royalty


Their (reasonable) wish is your command. Treat your son or daughter like a prince or princess for the day, complete with crowns and curtsies. They'll feel incredibly special!

Throw a Birthday Party


Tell your child that it's their favorite stuffed animal's birthday, and go all out. Decorate the kitchen, eat cake, and wrap up some "presents" — toys you already have — for the guest of honor to "open." Your child will delight in the fact that it's their best friend's party. And, it's a great excuse to eat cake!

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