Just because the odds of conceiving quintuplets naturally is about one in 55 million doesn't mean it can't happen to you — just ask Australian mom Kim Tucci, who recently gave birth to five healthy babies (four girls and one boy) via a planned C-section. Already a mom to three kids ages 9 and under, Tucci delivered with the help of a team of 50 (50!) doctors and nurses, and now a gorgeous photo series of her beautiful brood is going viral.
Click through our slideshow to see the awww-inducing photos of Keith, Ali, Penelope, Tiffany, and Beatrix (and their mama!), taken by photographer Erin Hoskins of Erin Elizabeth Photography.
Also be sure to check out Tucci's Facebook page, Surprised by Five, for more info and updates on this remarkable family (and consider donating to the GoFundMe set up to help the family reach their goal of purchasing a van capable of transporting their entire family — as of now, they have to travel in three separate cars!).
Image via Erin Elizabeth Photography
Special Delivery

Did somebody order a basketful of ridiculously gorgeous babies?
Back to the Beginning

Can you believe all those babies were in here? Tucci looks unbelievably stunning for a lady carrying five actual human beings in her belly. Every mom knows how uncomfortable late-stage pregnancy can be, even with one baby — but Tucci stayed serene (at least on camera!).
Sunset Silhouette

Sunrise, sunset, sunrise … on a brand-new and much bigger family!
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Party of Five

Simply breathtaking … and sooooo adorable! If these little baby jellybeans aren't the sweetest thing ever — well, never mind, because they are the sweetest thing ever.
Eyes Wide Shut

I spy a sneaky little baby who's not sleeping like her brother and sisters! That. Face!
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Power Nap

That's one sleepy little girl right there! (Probably not as sleepy as her mom, though.)
Sweet Dreams

Is there anything cuter than the drowsy grin of a slumbering newborn? (Nope.)
All Wrapped Up

This cozy little bunny has the most gorgeous little pout!
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Wakey Wakey!

Well hello there, bright eyes!
Boy Oh Boy

The sole male of the group, little Keith seems to be taking it all in stride in this pic!

Tucci looked so exquisite in her maternity shots, we just had to include one more. This lady is a goddess!
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