Once you become pregnant, there are a million and one thoughts that run through your mind. Am I ready to be a mother? Will labor really be that bad? How will my body change? This can cause many sleepless nights for expectant moms — but one thing you can count on is knowing you're not alone with your fears, questions, and crazy cravings.
It's good to have a go-to resource that will demystify the journey — and it's also good to know that you're not the only one googling "very early pregnancy symptoms" and "pregnancy sex" in the middle of the night. Here's a look at our most pinned pregnancy tips and advice, all of which come in handy for expectant mamas.
Image via Subbotina Anna/Shutterstock
Yup, You're Pregnant!
Are you preggers, or is your period on the way? Sometimes it can be hard to tell, as certain symptoms are quite similar. There are, however, early pregnancy indicators that are pretty easy to identify. This pin has been repinned over 3,000 times on Pinterest.
More from CafeMom: Could You Be Pregnant? (No Pee Test Necessary!)
Beating Morning Sickness
Ugh, who the heck wants to deal with months of constant puking and queasiness? Unfortunately, it's a part of the pregnancy journey — but that doesn't mean you have to suffer 24/7. Thankfully, there are natural morning sickness remedies for expectant moms that will make life a little more enjoyable. With over 16,000 repins on Pinterest, this advice is quite popular.
A Super Cute Pregnancy Announcement
One of the best times you'll have being pregnant is figuring out a way to share the good news! There are so many awesome ways to tell your inner circle, "I'm pregnant!" — including super cute family pet pregnancy reveals. Overall, this pin has received over 3,200 repins on Pinterest, which makes it a great option to try!
Thinking About Your Baby's Name
The thought of finding or dreaming up the "perfect" baby name can be quite daunting. After all, no parents want to ever feel like they made a mistake. Did you know there are rules to naming a baby? (Well, more like pointers.) Seeing as this pin was repinned over 15,000 times on Pinterest, it's quite popular.
More from CafeMom: 'Don't Steal My Baby Name!': 20 Moms Get Real About Being 'Robbed'
Getting Kinky ... With the Right Positions
Don't ever let anyone tell you pregnant women can't get it in. Expectant moms can still enjoy a healthy sex life (assuming the doctor okays your endeavors) throughout their entire pregnancy. In fact, there are many sex positions for pregnant women that will take your physical experience to new heights. Interestingly enough, this pin has been repinned 6,900 times on Pinterest. (You know, 69.)
Talking Parenting With Your Partner
As exciting as a baby is, there are important conversations you need to have with your partner. Will you vaccinate your child? Are you about the co-sleeping life? There's nothing wrong with wanting to discuss parenting styles with your lover, preferably *before* the baby comes. This pin has received almost 9,000 repins on Pinterest.
More from CafeMom: Quiz: What's Your Parenting Style?
Make a Pre-Baby Bucket List
Once your baby comes, your life is going to change forever — and one of those areas includes how it will no longer be just you and your partner. No matter how excited you get at the thought of your pending bundle of joy, make sure you take the time to map out a pre-baby bucket list that includes fun activities you and your love can enjoy while life is just a twosome. This has received 22,800 repins on Pinterest, so it seems couples are getting out and enjoying each other!
Ready Those Hospital Questions
At some point, you're going to want to swing by the hospital you plan to deliver in, assuming that's where you want to be for "D-Day." This means you might want to plan your list of hospital questions sooner than later. This is a popular pin with almost 60k repins on Pinterest.
Round up All the New Mom Advice You Can Get
Rather than wait until your LO comes — and you're beyond tired to do anything, let alone research — why not start looking up the most useful baby advice sooner than later? You definitely aren't alone, considering this pin received 17,600 repins on Pinterest.
More from CafeMom: 10 Indispensible Tips for Clueless New Moms
Find Out What Experts Have to Say About Natural Childbirth
Do you want to go au naturel in the delivery room, or will you want to opt for drugs? Well, that choice is up to you, though some expectant mommies have been known to change their minds at the last minute (and that's okay). Before you start mapping out your birth plan, you might want to at least hear what experts have to say about natural childbirth. Curious about natural childbirth? So are other expectant mothers! (This pin received over 15,000 repins on Pinterest.)
The Difference Between Contractions and Braxton-Hicks
Are you going into labor, or is this just another "haha, kidding" moment your body is having? The sooner you learn the difference between labor contractions and pesky Braxton-Hicks, the less likely you'll be to run off to the hospital or birthing center … every time you think you're about to have a baby. This pin has been repinned over 16,000 times on Pinterest.
Keep Ways to (Naturally) Induce Labor on the Back Burner
If only babies would adhere to their delivery dates. (That would be awesome.) The truth is, most don't — which leaves Mom with one of two choices: Wait it out, or get induced. Should you be leaning toward option number two, know there are natural ways to induce labor that might work for you. Almost 4,000 people repinned this pin on Pinterest.
More from CafeMom: 10 Natural Ways to Encourage Labor When You Want That Baby Out! (PHOTOS)