When it comes to choosing a baby name, sometimes, going back to the basics is best. Latin might be a "dead language," but it's very much alive in many ways — including being a source for amazing name ideas for a child. It did inspire French, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, and other languages — so it has to be good. Don't believe us? Take a look at these amazing Latin baby names that we've compiled and be prepared to be surprised!
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Contrary to what most of think, Latin is more than the language that the smart kids took to do well on their SATs. Though that isn't a bad thing! Latin has a long history in academia and scholarship — it is the basis for all of the romance languages and is language we use for medicine and law.
A Latin-based baby name is sure to impress a child's teachers and friends with its stable and solid history and connotation. Or perhaps a Wes Anderson fan who loves the movie Rushmore. Either way, it will still have people intrigued.
Latin names are classic and add a regal flair to any baby name. Here's a look at some of the most adorable Latin baby names for little girls that will warm any parent's heart.
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Aww. Simple and to the point, Cara, which means "beloved" in Latin, is a beautiful option for your daughter.

Do you suddenly feel the urge to watch *Sleeping Beauty*? Latin for "dawn," Aurora is a gorgeous baby name that's full of majesty.

While Vera is typically associated with being a Russian name (vjera means faith), it does in fact have Latin roots. Vera is Latin for "truth," which is a lovely name to give to your child.
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Ooh, don't you just love this name for a baby? Whether you enjoy cooking, or are looking for something unique, Sage will deliver every time. Plus, it also means "wise" in Latin. Bonus.

Derived from the Latin word aemulus (rivaling), Aemilia is an alluring baby name choice that has a bit of style to it.

Looking for a "heavenly" name? Celeste, from the Latin caelestis (celestial, heavenly), is not only a divine choice but is also all sorts of adorable.
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Just allow this name to roll off your tongue for a sec. Adrianna. The feminine variation of the Latin name Adrian (derived from Adriānus, meaning "from the city of Adria"), Adrianna is a very sweet baby name that grants even more adorable nicknames — like "Addie."

There are so many things to love about the name Felicity. For starters, it means "happy" and "good fortune" in Latin, and that's reason enough to move it up your short list. Plus, it just sounds really delightful.
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Do you love names that take a detour to common spelling? If so, you'll love Klaudie. Derived from Claudius, a common old Roman family name, Klaudie is all sorts of cool and different.

Shakespeare named his beautiful Countess "Olivia" in Twelfth Night. The Latin name Olivia (meaning olive) looks just as great when it's spelled Alivia. Nothing wrong with a little twist.

Hailing from the Latin word *gratia*, which means "pleasantness," Graciela is a beautiful baby name for your little girl.
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You don't need a degree in French to fall in love with this baby name. Celine is a variation of Celeste (that's "heavenly" in Latin), which keeps things short and sweet.

Mommies who are looking for a three-letter baby name might want to take a look at Bea. A nickname for Beatrice, which is derived from the Latin Beatrix (she who brings happiness), which itself is from beātus (happy, blessed), Bea is a really awesome option for your daughter!

Whether you love the color or the flower, Violet is a fragrant choice for a baby name. Plus, it's a beautiful name with strong Latin roots. (It hails from *viola*, which means, you guessed it, "violet.")
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Sweet Lucia. Pulling inspiration from the Latin word *lux* (light), Lucia is an excellent baby name that will radiate forever.

Camilla is a wonderful Latin name that means "of unblemished character." Simply put, it's beyond sweet — and has a certain aura about it that's loving and extremely pleasant.

If you close your eyes and think of the name Serena, what images come to mind? (Maybe a fierce lady who can wield a tennis rack like nobody's business?) Serena is a powerful name for a daughter that's also lighthearted, as it comes from *serenus* in Latin, which means "calm."
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Latin for "yielding to prayer," Arabella is an elegant baby name idea for a little girl. It also happens to be a variation to Annabel and a fun alternative to Isabella.

All parents want what's best for their kids. Good health. Loving family. Successful career. Should you happen to be someone who believes in the power of names, Valeria — Latin for "strength" and "health" — is a perfect choice for your daughter.
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"No one puts Frances in a corner." Okay, so *maybe* Patrick Swayze didn't say that in Dirty Dancing, but guess what? Baby's real name in the movie was Frances. (Isn't it cute?) And, while Frances might conjure up images of the Eiffel Tower, know it's strongly rooted in Latin (means "from France," or "free one").