A new baby makes for a wonderful addition to a family, but comes with a few sacrifices — like sleep, eyes that don't look baggy, and regular showers, to name a few. That's why this new dad is winning the Internet for his parenting tip to "real men" that deserves a standing ovation and hallelujah shout from mommies around the world.
The unnamed dad (Imgur user "avidclimber") and testicular cancer survivor shared an adorable photo of his baby son and his wife — who's clearly enjoying every freaking minute of her slumber — along with a message that's so, so true.
More from CafeMom: 12 Dads Confess How They Really Felt in the Delivery Room
"*Pro-tip* Real men take care of their baby while mommy takes as many naps as she needs," Dad captions. "She's been through an ordeal! Suck it up guys and be her dream husband!"
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More from CafeMom: 14 Ridiculously Awesome Photos of Dads & Babies
(Go ahead and pass around that virtual collection plate!)
You would think sharing the load — or even trying to give some extra "woosah time" to Mom, who likely is tired from nursing / feeding / changing / birthing baby — would be common sense and practice, but sadly, it's not. I've heard some horror stories from my mom friends who had to take on the bulk of the parenting workload on their own — when it could easily have been a little more equal. And that makes me sad.
This is yet another reason why I'm thankful for my husband, as he has been (and still is) a rock star of a dad who warmed up my breast milk and took care of each of our kiddos throughout the night and day to give me some extra time to sleep.
Embedded content: https://media.giphy.com/media/vNdHTvHo3gCis/giphy.gif
I can't imagine not having the help, especially when you have what should be a partner in crime sleeping right next to you.
More from CafeMom: 15 Amazing Ways Dads Can Help You Breastfeed
Feel free to pass this around to help "inspire" a few papas you know to follow this pro tip. Hopefully it's not news to anyone!