There are some things that are just facts and one of those is that moms love Target. It's one of the universal truths that binds us together, along with yoga pants and telling our kids that a piece chocolate is "spicy" so we don't have to share. And one Missouri mom has taken maternal worship of the big red bull's-eye to the next level. That's right, she took her maternity photos in Target! We have to say, this mom is a GENIUS. Just think, she could take her pictures and pick up an extra pack of tube socks.
The story goes like this: Page Miller scooped up her young daughter Avery, grabbed her photographer friend Heather Pippin of Inspired by a True Story Photography and set out for the maternity shoot of all maternity shoots. It is pure mom goals.
So take a look at this quirky and fun maternity shoot. It might just spark the imagination of the next creative mama!
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Ready to Do This

"The shoot initially was just an idea that came from me just wanting to do something different and Page [the mom] really loving Target," Pippin tells CafeMom. Page was more than game for something unique — she's a photographer herself.
Break Time

When the women (and little Avery) hit their local store, the reactions were positive. "Surprisingly nobody thought we were too weird — except Brad, Page's husband, who would not be seen with us on this day!" Pippin says. Trust a man to not get the Target vibes!
Toy Testing

Avery is 3, and with her mom due "any day now," the two got in some last-minute mother-daughter time in the aisle of the store. Of course the toy section was a must. How many times have we all stood in this exact pose? More or less than a million?
Rainbow Baby

Page is expecting a rainbow baby — a term reserved for a child born after a loss. The Millers' little boy, Clarke, died from SIDS. Pippin says she's happy that the photos showcase how "tough of a mom" Page is. But they also show how fun-loving she can be.
Kisses by the Cold Stuff

Pippin says she loves that this is an homage to all the other "Target moms" out there. We can all appreciate the joy of finding a both a sweet treat and a sweet kiss in the frozen food aisle.
Hey There

Part of the photo shoot was Page getting to do the things moms secretly dream about. Like plopping down in the middle of an aisle and indulging those pregnancy cravings.
Say Cheese!

And hey — someone else got to indulge a little too! Avery's been a big hit as her mom's photos go viral.
More from CafeMom: How to Take the Perfect Maternity Photos (According to a Professional Photographer)
The Shirt Says It All

Page opted to wait until after the Target photo shoot to be surprised by her baby's gender, but she already had a name picked out: Malin. We're guessing baby Malin will be no stranger to Target runs.