If you've been to a toy store lately, you've definitely seen a swarm of old '90s toys hitting the shelves. Toymakers are brining back classic games like Simon Says, Operation, and Mouse Trap. But the latest '90s comeback has moms fangirling all over the Internet. The original Polly Pocket is finally relaunching!
Polly Pockets, for the uninitiated, are like miniature dollhouses in compact carrying cases.

The originals debuted in 1989 and they came in a variety of shapes and sizes. There were beaches, parks, amusement parks, castles, pet shops — you name it. Each one featured a whole tiny world for Polly and her friends, along with itty bitty plastic dolls that were so small they were basically impossible to keep up with, but we loved them anyway.
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As BuzzFeed reports, the original Polly Pockets were discontinued in 1998, and replaced with larger dolls.

The newer dolls also had bigger accessories and outfits you could change. As a child of the late '80s and early '90s, I may be biased, but my own 6-year-old has a ton of these, and they are totally not as fun.
Moms like me have felt the loss of the original Polly since we had kids, and we've scoured the Internet to get our hands on them. An Etsy shop that sells vintage Polly Pockets has more than 15,000 followers on Instagram. And on eBay, you can find dozens of the old sets for sale — some at steep prices, like this vintage school compact that's currently priced at $54.99. Scary Mommy reports some old Polly pockets have sold on eBay for as much as $500!
But the classic toys are about to get a lot easier to find, because Mattel is releasing a new line in summer 2018!

The new line will be available in June and seems to be a middle ground between the tiny dolls of our youths and the bigger dolls of the early 2000s. Plus, the classic compacts are back and updated.
Some people are, of course, not thrilled that the new Polly Pockets will still look a bit different than the originals.

On Instagram, this meme is making the rounds as people react to the new designs.
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But most people are beyond thrilled and can't wait to share the new dolls with their own kids.

"So cool," another mom wrote. "I wanted so badly to get some of the ones from the '90s for my kids for Christmas last year, but they were going for a minimum of $80 on eBay!"