Boys Try to Teach Their Mom How to Play Fortnite & Hilarity Ensues

There doesn't seem to be any stopping our kids' obsession with the beloved video game Fortnite. They spend countless hours tapping away on their controllers, so some moms are curious — what's the big deal? Well mom and actress Mayim Bialik decided to brave the wilds of her sons' Xbox and made a hilarious video of her two boys showing her the ropes of their cult-favorite game.

Mayim recorded the hilarious video on her YouTube channel and asked her two sons to show her how to play like a pro.

Mayim Bialik

In the adorable YouTube video, Mayim's boys, Miles, 12, and Frederick, 9, patiently talk their mom through the basics. "My older son just told me that the buttons on the controller don't relate to the thing on the screen," Mayim muses. They then guide their mom into a solo mission where she doesn't quite understand how to use her "sticks." 

As her player drops from the sky, the mom asks her sons "Does this make you nauseous or just me?"

But Mayim is not to pleased to learn that it costs money to play as a female character.

Mayim Bialik

"Scuuusee me?" Mayim said laughing. "Are you kidding me? I have to pay to be a woman?"

But gender politics aside, Mayim is then dropped into a live "Battle Royal" where she has to play other users online. "Why are they all at home? They should be out doing something," she joked. 

"These are real people!" she exclaimed as she saw other players in the sky. "Yeah and they're going to kill you!" her son told her (with a little too much glee, in our opinion).

The video really shines because it's clear that Mayim's sons are thrilled to be showing their mom how to do something they love.

Even though their mom says "Wait, what?" about every 30 seconds, all three squeal when Mayim comes under attack and her character meets his untimely death. 

"You did good," her son tells her. And then both boys cheer as they point out that his mom earned a "level up."

In the end, Mayim says that she may not continue on in her Fortnite career. "It stresses me out," she notes, but says that she's definitely happier to understand why the game is so popular. 

It also goes to show that although your kids' interests may not exactly float your boat, making the effort to try to understand what they like about a game or hobby might just bring you closer together. And that's definitely worth taking a few minutes to learn how to use an Xbox's "sticks."