There are a multitude of ways to find inspiration for your little one's Halloween costume, but if you're a fan of The Office, look no further than Jenna Fischer's Instagram account. On Wednesday, the actress shared what, at first glimpse, looks like a baby costume inspired by a hilarious Office scene, for sale on Amazon. Turns out, it's actually just a parody, but that doesn't make it any less amazing.
In season five, Kevin Malone brings his "famous" chili to work -- and ends up spilling it all over the floor.
Unforgettable, right?
So, Instagram user Adam the Creator came up with this "hypothetical" spoof costume, inspired by the scene.

Adam has shared a variety of hypothetical, hilarious baby costumes, but it's unsurprising that this one caught Fischer's attention.
Captioning the shot simply "Halloween idea," Fischer wasn't the only former cast member to share the funny getup. Brian Baumgartner got in on the fun, too, writing, "Every infant's dream costume is now available for Halloween. Thank you @msjennafischer for bringing this to my attention."
Commenters couldn't get enough of it either. Looks like plenty of parents are down to dress their kid up like Kevin with spilled chili this year.

People who aren't even parents yet would buy this, if it really existed.

Really, can you blame them? It's only one of the funniest scenes of all time. Some might even argue ... the best.

Even though you can't actuallypurchase this exact costume on Amazon, the good news is that re-creating the look is super-easy.
Just get a little brown suit (which is available on Amazon), a bald cap (that is, if your little one has hair!) and glue some faux hair on the sides, then fill a small pot with Kevin's chili. Bam — a perfectly hilarious Halloween costume for even the most pint-sized Office fan!