Being a solo parent isn't easy. It's stressful to be the only one bringing money into the home, making decisions about how to raise your child, and keeping up with every doctor's appointment and thing that needs to be added to the grocery list all by yourself. That's why one solo dad took to Reddit to vent his frustrations about raising his son alone, calling the boy's mother a "deadbeat" and "uninvolved." The only problem is he also admitted that his son's mom never wanted a baby and he essentially coaxed her into having one. And his angry post blaming her for his problems is not getting the reaction he was expecting.
The dad admitted on Reddit that his ex wanted to abort her pregnancy, but he didn't want that.

So instead, they agreed that she would have the baby and he would raise the child alone. The mom pays child support but gave up her rights to the baby. Still, the dad says he's "burned out and exhausted" and he's angry that he can't take the woman to court to force her to take care of his son.
"I tried to go to court to give her split custody but because she wanted an abortion and I didn't and she made it clear she would never be involved after the birth, and because we … agreed on things and now she pays more support than is court ordered, the judge said he can't force her to look after him," he wrote. "I haven't seen her in almost a year and the last I heard she has a tummy tuck and laser stretch marks treatment and is working at a gym. She also told her friends and family she is an egg donor and not a mother. She is a deadbeat mom and the court won't do anything and is forcing me to struggle as a single parent."
The dad was clearly expecting sympathy but that is notwhat he got from people.

Many pointed out that the mom is providing more than her fair share and made it clear from the start that she did not want to be a mother.

A lot of women pointed out that the dad's situation is what many single mothers face every day.

You can take someone to court for child support, but you cannot force someone to be a parent if that person doesn't want to be one.
And others said the woman went above and beyond by even considering his opinion in whether or not to have an abortion.

This is a controversial issue for many people, but ultimately pregnancy affects only the woman's body. She has to carry the baby, deal with the side effects, and face potentially life-threatening risks. Whether or not a woman carries a baby to term should be her choice, and this woman made the choice to go through with the pregnancy because her ex wanted the baby. She was clear from day one that she wanted no part. Her role shouldn't be up for debate.
These stories are based on posts found on Reddit. Reddit is a user-generated social news aggregation, web content rating, and discussion website where registered members submit content to the site and can up- or down-vote the content. The accuracy and authenticity of each story cannot be confirmed by our staff.