Mom Demands a Stranger Give Her Toddler Breast Milk & Doesn’t See the Problem

A mom on the Internet is seeing red after a stranger tried to take advantage of a good deed she was doing and wouldn't let up. Writing in to Reddit, the shocked mom shared screenshots of a conversation between her and another woman who reached out about picking up some breast milk she was offering to donate. At first the exchange was pleasant, but it quickly turned ugly when the woman wasn't satisfied with the amount being offered and kept pushing for more of the new mama's liquid gold for her toddler. The mom had more milk to give but wanted the majority of it to go a younger baby "more in need" or a preemie. Now, people online are weighing in on the conversation and boy, do they have some thoughts.

The drama started when a stranger reached out to a new mom who was donating some of her extra breast milk.


The conversation started out normal enough. As user Sayyestodogs shows in her screenshot, she was more than willing to help when a friend of a friend texted her asking if she could claim some of her excess breast milk for her son.

But things got ugly when the stranger wasn't satisfied with 60 ounces this mom offered -- and her reasoning behind it.


"I can spare about 60 ounces today if you can pick it up," she offered. "My girl is only six weeks so I'm reserving most of the milk for a baby her age or any preemies in need on the Facebook group."

To put it into perspective, 60 ounces is almost two full quarts of milk, but apparently that wouldn't be enough for the mom's toddler. She responded that he would blow through that much milk in about "three days." She then pleaded that she needed more breast milk because her toddler has a sensitive stomach and "he was a preemie too."

But the mom wasn't persuaded and again explained that her intention was to help young babies/preemies and not an established toddler.


The stranger couldn't seem to understand why the new mom could't just give it to her. "Why does it have to be a preemie?" she asked. "My boy was a preemie and he is a baby in need."

But that's not how the other mom sees it. "No offense, but your kid is a toddler, not a baby who needs exclusive breast milk," she wrote. I've offered you what I can spare already and am happy to see how much I have left over after donating the majority this weekend."

The conversation ended when the milk-seeking mom started acting like a total jerk for not getting what she wanted.


Sometimes you just have to take the loss and move on, but apparently the stranger didn't feel that way. Instead, she called Sayyestodogs a b*tch and told her that her breast milk was "probably tainted with booze and painkillers."

Later in the thread, Sayyestodogs also explained that she had a specific reason why she wanted her breast milk to go to a premature baby. "My little girl was in the NICU for two weeks and while I was waiting for my milk to come in, she was given donor milk for the first few days of life which I’m eternally grateful for so I thought I’d pay it forward," she wrote. (Not that she really needed a reason not to give her milk to a stranger who was demanding it.)

People online were shocked by the mom's complete entitlement over another mother's breast milk.

"PLEASE show these screen shots to your friend," one person urged her in the comments.


Later in the thread, Sayyestodogs clarified that the person who connected the two moms was not a close friend of hers. She was someone who was in the same breastfeeding Facebook group as she was and after the conversation ended badly, she did end up sending her the screenshots. 

"The lady who told her about me replied with an apology and told me she had no idea she was like this!" the mom wrote. "I don’t know if they are super friendly or what, so who knows if she’ll say anything to her. I’m debating whether to let the group moderator know."

And another person commented that it was probably for the best that the Redditor didn't give the strange mom any of her "tainted milk."


Someone else was just shocked that the other mom refused 60 ounces of "liquid gold" instead of appreciating every drop.


Now the stranger has zero ounces of breast milk.

Some people even speculated that the mom got so aggressive because she was actually planning to make some money off of all that milk.


In the end, Sayyestodogs wrote that even though the incident was disappointing, this wasn't the first time that another mother acted entitled over the milk she was donating.  "I had a mom message me asking if I could exclusively give her my extra milk because her baby was born at 27 weeks. She was totally nice about it and I almost agreed until she requested I omit all cows milk products from my diet. I declined after that," she wrote.

It just goes to show you that people don't always make it easy when you're trying to do something good.

And even though no good deed goes unpunished, it's a good think this mama stuck to her guns!

These stories are based on posts found on Reddit. Reddit is a user-generated social news aggregation, web content rating, and discussion website where registered members submit content to the site and can up- or down-vote the content. The accuracy and authenticity of each story cannot be confirmed by our staff.