Las Vegas schools will benefit from drivers' mistakes in a new measure that will allow drivers to donate school supplies in lieu of paying the parking tickets. This is a measure that's many are applauding — because both teachers and students can use all of the help they can get.
The measure, unanimously passed by Las Vegas City Council members, will go into effect immediately.
According to a press release from the Las Vegas City Council, the temporary program will run through July 19 and will allow drivers to "pay" their parking tickets by donating supplies to needy schools. "Any supplies taken in by the city through the program will be donated to the Teachers Exchange, a 501(c)3 nonprofit that is associated with the Public Education Foundation," the statement read.
School supplies must be of equal or greater value than the cost of the parking ticket, and drivers must prove it with a receipt.
All school supplies must be new, unwrapped, and delivered within 30 days of the citation. The release also specified that "only non-public safety citations are eligible for this program."
This isn't the first time that the city council has used parking violations to do some good.
The city ran a similar program around the holidays where drivers were allowed to donate toys to the Salvation Army in lieu of paying their fines, according to ABC 7.
For the school supplies effort, the council wrote that it is looking for donations in the form of pencils, pens, erasers, dry erase markers, index cards, storage containers, and other supplies that will be valuable for Las Vegas classrooms.