Everything that's old is new again and that includes names. Fads come and go and then come back again. Surely, we've all seen the flower child throwback fashions in the stores: bell-bottoms, eyelet shirts, and tie-dye everything. But the throwbacks aren't stopping there — now we're seeing acid-washed jeans, high-waisted pants and big hair everywhere. So it comes as no surprise that some of our favorite '70s girls’ names are back in vogue, too.
Anyone who was a child in the ’70s and '80s remembers that in every class there were at least three Michelles, three Debbies, five Jennys, and Nicoles. What '70s parents lacked in creativity, they made up for in nicknames. The ’70s brought with it simple, sweet, and feminine names. While those names may have gone out of style in the ’90s as the world headed towards a new millennium and more freedom of creativity, they’re back. Who needs complicated, right, Heather? Here are 20 irresistible 70s girls' names.

Nicole is a Greek girls' name meaning "victory of the people." Nicoles are winners by nature. Cute, sweet and smart but don't cross her, she is extremely competitive and a bit of sore loser. Nicknames include Nic (à la Nicole Kidman) and Nikki (hello, '80s). It's a classic name with universal appeal.

Michelle is a Hebrew girls' name meaning "who is like God." Michelle can also be affectionately referred to as Mickey, Shelly, or Mish. She is a high-spirited girl who enjoys sports and having a good time in general. She's her friends' biggest cheerleader. She also happens to be so fine.

Jennifer is an English girls' name meaning "fair spirit." Jenny is the sweet, girl next door type. Girls want to be like her, boys want to be with her. Everyone thinks they have her number but 867-5309 is not it. There is more to Jenny than meets the eye. She's deep, soulful and loving.

Lisa is a Hebrew girls' name meaning "consecrated to God." Lisa is cute and quiet but always up for shenanigans. Her mischievousness is almost as contagious as her impish smile. She always looks like she's up to something because she is. She's also the sassiest and brightest member of the Simpsons crew, for those parents that are huge Simpsons fans.

Amanda is a Latin girls' name meaning "worthy of love." Amanda is down-to-earth, humble, and a natural beauty who is most herself in nature surrounded by the people she loves. Amanda has a way with words and a big heart. She's unaware of her own beauty and frequently doesn't see how amazing she really is. Amanda is a champion for the best causes and not afraid to be the change she wants to see in the world.

Heather is an English girls' name meaning… what else, "heather" — as in the purple flower. Heather is popular, beautiful and has a mean streak. If she's anything like the title character in the film Heathers, she'll love a good clique, especially if she's the queen bee and is surrounded by like-minded minions. She's a goal-oriented girl but don't get in her way, or be prepared end up in dire straits.

Stephanie is a Greek girls' name meaning "crown," which makes it a perfect moniker for a future queen to be (aka girl boss.) Stephanie is a tough cookie who likes what she likes. She can hang with the girls and the boys. She can be the cheerleader or the football player, she can do anything she wants. She is the queen of her own universe.

Rebecca is a Hebrew girls' name meaning "tied" or "captivating." Rebecca brings to mind a responsible girl with a high spirit and a romantic nature. She loves music and going to concerts. She can often be found singing at the top of her lungs while road tripping with friends. Just beware that the common nickname, Becky, is now permanently entwined in current pop culture with someone who has good hair and gossips about other people's … well … everything.

Kelly is a Teutonic girls' name meaning "farm by the spring." Kelly is beloved and one tough cookie. Kelly is a beautiful, free-spirit who doesn't need anyone's approval. Don't be fooled by her beautiful face, she is fierce and as strong mentally and physically as any boy. Some famous modern-day Kellys include Kelly Ripa, Kelly Clarkson, and Kelly Rowland — all bright, vivacious and crazy successful.

Sarah is a Hebrew girls' name meaning "princess." Sarah might be delicate and quiet but she is also probably the smartest person in the room, she's just too humble to tell anyone. She's a loyal partner and a nurturing and patient friend. Sarah will always have your back. Her smile tells you everything you need to know about Sarah. This is one of those classic names that parents can't go wrong with.

Laura is a Latin girls' name meaning "laurel." Laura is a sophisticated and learned girl. She can order dinner in French, understand the Italian in a Fellini film, and tell you all about astronomy. She likes things a certain way but also loves a challenge. She loves animals more than people on most days so staying in her good graces is best for everyone.

Susan is a Hebrew girls' name meaning "graceful lily." Isn't that so pretty? Susan is tiny, graceful, and poised. She never loses her cool but she does have a temper hiding behind that big smile of hers. She values her girlfriends above all else and is always down for a girls' night.

Deborah is a Hebrew girls' name meaning "bee." Deborah is smart, shy, but honest to a fault. She's a poet who wears her heart on her sleeve. Debbie is fun and loves to travel but contrary to popular belief, has never been to Dallas. She's not the downer some believe her to be.

Tiffany is a Greek girls' name meaning "appearance of God." Tiffany is exuberant and full of energy. She always has a smile on her face and loves to dance. You will frequently find her dancing and singing her way through the mall. She prefers a small group of friends and values her alone time. And while this name has totally gone the way of the dodo in recent years, don't worry, a true Tiffany never goes out of style.

Elizabeth is a girls' name meaning "My God is abundance." Elizabeths are really smart and find joy in the world around them. They are obsessed with being free to do as they like. They are strong-willed and independent. Nicknames for this classic name include Liz, Lizzie, Beth, and Eliza.

Wendy is a Teutonic girls' name meaning "the fair one." Wendy is a sweet-natured girl who loves to cook and spend Saturday nights in baking brownies with her bestie. She also makes a mean hamburger. There aren't too many nickname options for Wendy, but she does come with a cool literary connection: She's the love of Peter Pan's life.

Carrie is a Latin girls' name meaning "loved." For a while, the name was associated with a certain super angry high school girl who dropped buckets of blood on all those that tormented her, but we think Carrie has outgrown that reputation now. The Carrie more commonly associated with the name now is Sarah Jessica Parker's fabulously stylish Sex and the City character who conquered the Big Apple, one article at a time.

Katherine is a Greek girls' name meaning "pure." Katherine is a stoic girl with a plan and she cannot be deterred. Kate's are great. This is a classic English name bestowed to the likes of female icons like actress Katherine Hepburn and even current modern-day duchess, Kate Middleton.

Angela is a Greek girls' name meaning "heavenly messenger." Angela is not playing around. She is serious business. Angie is a musician who works relentlessly to achieve her goals. Twelve hours a day practicing the piano? No problem. She also loves being outdoors and playing in nature. Angie is a good friend but has trust issues when meeting new people.

Kristyn is a girls' Scandinavian name meaning "follower of Christ." Kristyn is a bubbly girl who is super smart. She is the upbeat research scientist who listens to the Doors but can also hit every dance move in the renegade TikTok. Kristyn is the full package. She's a kind-hearted winner who everyone loves.