This Mother’s Day, Let’s Remember the Little Heroes Who Made Us Moms

This Mother's Day feels especially poignant. In addition to celebrating the everyday things we do, we are facing  a time where our essential status is at its peak. Whether or not we are staying home, working, or homeschooling we are all dealing with a lot right now. We don't just deserve a day off — we deserve a social distancing-compliant parade. 

But honestly, so do our kids.

In the middle of the stress and chaos, I can get caught up in my feels.

When my toddler son sobs in the corner because no, he can't possibly eat the mac and cheese he requested because I served it with an orange spoon, or when he defiantly looks me in he eye as he tips over the toy box we just cleaned up, it can be hard to not succumb to my rage. In these moments, I fantasize about days like Mother's Day — a day sanctioned for me to just unplug, just for one day. 

And don't get me wrong, I and every other mother on the planet deserves that time.

But the truth is, he's struggling, too.

While I know he absolutely adores getting to spend so much time with mom and dad, his entire life was ripped away from him. He's no longer following the glorious structure of day care. He isn't seeing the aunts and uncles and cousins who shower him with love and affection. He isn't getting to hug his Mom-Mom. We're missing days at the park and days at the zoo. 

He's missing out on time, too.

Yet every day, that kid wakes up with a smile on his face, ready to savor all the little things he can do.

Playing in the backyard is as adventurous as a day at the museum. When mommy closes her laptop after being done with the work day, he beams from ear to ear, as if he hasn't just spent the whole day with me. 

Honestly this kid, and all the kids out there, are freaking rock stars. As crazy as they are driving us, they too are still trying to make the best of a really, really bad situation.

So while we kick our feet up and unplug (seriously, moms, we should still do this) we also need to remember the reason why we get to celebrate.

Kiddos, we know how hard it is and can't thank you enough for being so loving and wonderful most of the time. You've been cooped up with parents who can't always keep it together, who sometimes don't even have the bandwidth to change your PJs, and still want nothing more than to be cuddled in our arms. Thank you so much for making us moms and for loving us as limitlessly as we love you.

Now please, can we just pee by ourselves now?