In 2020 one would think we'd all get over the whole breastfeeding in public thing. Yet here we are, talking about how people are still doing some major pearl-clutching over it.
What makes it so hard to talk about this time around? Well, the pearl clutching came from a new mom's own mother … in the privacy of her home.
A new grandmom took to Reddit and wrote that her daughter had just given birth in May.
"We had a family dinner not too long ago, it was just me, her stepdad, my brother and his children (15 & 12)," she wrote. "We were all having a nice conversation when she started feeding the baby, she didn't cover herself even the tiniest bit and acted as though it would've been difficult for her to excuse herself or just tried to cover herself up."
So the mom took it upon herself to have a chat with her daughter.
"I pulled her aside and told her that next time she visited would she mind covering herself or excusing herself, I know it's natural but I don't exactly want to see my daughter like that and I know my husband doesn't want to either," she wrote.
The daughter had a simple but profound retort:
"She told me not to worry she wouldn’t visit again," the mother wrote. "Now maybe I was being dramatic but her reaction was over the top, surely she should understand none of her family want to see her breasts?"
So the mom wanted to know: was she wrong for this?
Before we get into all of that...
We have to say: Kudos to that mama for her brilliant and succinct response. Admittedly, we're a little biased on this issue as breastfeeding is a natural right and moms should feel free to do it whenever and wherever they need to — especially in the safety of a loved one's home.
Redditors were quick to let mom know: She done effed up.
"I'm not sure you're aware, but this debate has long been settled," wrote one user. "Anyone asking the mother of an infant to further inconvenience herself for your benefit as she goes through the already-a-pain-in-the-ass process of feeding her child is 100% the a–hole. If you don't like it, you [expletive] leave. You go outside, you go to the bar, you go for a walk, you're the one with the problem."
Luckily the mom in question reevaluated her reaction and realized she was wrong.
"I apologised to her, I realised it was my problem and that it was just difficult seeing her as an adult for the first time, she's always been my baby girl and I guess now she's not," the mom wrote. "As my brothers children said I was being a 'boomer.' She’s forgiven me."
These stories are based on posts found on Reddit. Reddit is a user-generated social news aggregation, web content rating, and discussion website where registered members submit content to the site and can up- or down-vote the content. The accuracy and authenticity of each story cannot be confirmed by our staff.