15 Honest Tweets From Teachers About Online Learning

The last school year and the one that's just around the corner have been like no others. We've had to embrace distance learning, taking our kids to school has been replaced with setting them up for class at the dinner table. It was a stressful end of the year and we're all gearing ourselves up for a challenging one for 2020 as well. While the stress is totally there for parents and the kids, we can't forget that the teachers have had to pivot and change things up drastically. Many are managing their own families on top of their job going remote and having to problem-solve on the fly.

This whole worldwide health issue has been a real challenge for teachers. Their job went virtual with zero time to plan, but like they always do, they made it happen. Now as school is on the verge of reopening, for some only online, teachers are feeling all the truths that come with trying to teach kids through the computer while they're at home.

We've rounded up 15 of the most candid tweets from teachers about online learning.

Can't Hear Them Not Laugh

Teachers are usually in classrooms with kids, and those kids get loud. While they're really good at redirecting the kids and getting them to focus back on the lesson and quiet down, there is a perk of online learning that the teachers can mute the class and when a joke bombs, there's no awkward moment when they're trying to recover.

This Doesn't Add Up!

Kids these days are growing up with all the technology, and they have some innate ability to figure out even the newest technology. There is no social media platform the kids can't figure out how to master in a matter of moments. So this tweet from the teacher about somehow not figuring out how to sign into the Google video conference, it doesn't add up.

It's a Lot of Work

For some reason, there was this idea out there that when teachers moved to online learning, that they were getting paid and not having to work. Clearly people who believed this had zero idea how much extra work it was for teachers to switch their lesson into an online delivery. And then having to follow up with all their students to make sure they're OK. Ask a teacher and they'll likely say online teaching was a lot of work.


This time is stressful for everyone, so some leeway is necessary. However, some kids will take a mile with it and there are some fun ways to catch them in a lie. Even if a teacher is not in the same room as the kids, they're still able to see everything that's going on. It's a gift.

New Stickers

Teachers love to use stickers as a way to give a good job nod. Well, virtual classes mean virtual stickers and this creative teacher is giving positive reinforcement with a personal touch. All that's needed is some phrases, a cute video of the teacher, and Google.

There Are Some Perks

There are some parts of a teacher's job that are not fun. We imagine being the supervisor for the school dances lands on that side of the con list, but that's a funny perk about online learning. There are no middle school dances to chaperone and not one teacher is complaining.

I Miss It

Teachers love to have fun with their students and if the teacher is a dad, the classroom is the land of dad jokes. The grumbles the teachers receive from these bad-jokes-gone-right fuels some of them, and without being able to have that energy to feed off of, it sucks.

Professional Attire

There is a big perk of working from home and that means no jeans that get tight by lunchtime and comfort is key. For teachers who took on online learning for the school year, they get to feel that divine comfort of being able to wear that same outfit over and over. It may not be professional, but it's comfy.

No Restrictions for the Bathroom

It's something that most of us don't think about — if a teacher needs to use the bathroom, they have to wait until the class is over before they can go. How horrible would that be if the teacher doesn't feel well? That's one perk about online learning — it sounds small, but it's not.

They Need Help

One of the biggest struggles of being thrown into online learning is trying to help all the kids in the class get through the inevitable technical issues. It's frustrating — for the kids, the parents, and the teachers. And sometimes it feels like the kids are milking it.

Teachers Are Stressed

Teachers love our kids, and they genuinely want our kids to do well and be well. The stress of the worldwide health issue has made school so hard for the kids and the teachers and has compounded all the work they already have to contend with. Anxiety is high for everyone.

We're All Trying to Cope Here

Like never before, we're all getting an interesting look into the lives of other people and into their homes. If there's more than one child at home learning online at the same time, it can be noisy and challenging. Also, parents are home, and sometimes, it gets awkward

It Has Not Been Easy

This online learning isn't what everyone wants and it doesn't work for every family. Teachers know this, they feel this too and they wish things could go back to normal. Teaching our kids isn't just giving lectures and notes on the basics of math, English, and science — teachers check in our the mental health of our kids. They genuinely care about them.

There Are a Lot of Issues

This whole thread highlights so many issues about school that were highlighted when learning went online. We learned that tests aren't the best, there is no one size-fits-all, and teachers are incredible. "Teachers are some of the most adaptable people ever," the thread continued. "Let's keep adapting to what our students need right now and supporting families however we can."

We're Learning a Lot

In an ideal world, online teaching is more planned out and structured. When most students and teachers went to online teaching, it was a crisis moment, and everyone did the best they could with the limited time and resources they had. We all learned a lot and it will be able to teach us for years to come.