It's been interesting over our lifetime to watch the trends in beauty, fashion, and toys cycle in and out of style. One of the major benefits of this has been being able to revisit some of the trends and toys that we were obsessed with we were little. Revitalizing old toys is kind of a genius move — we'll buy them so our kids can have memories of them like we did.
And that’s what toy manufactures are doing, as evident by the toys that are making a huge comeback. Lately tons of '90s toys have found their way back to the store shelves and on to our kids' holiday gift lists — some revamped and some still pretty much the same as they were a few decades ago — all packaged with a dose of major nostalgia.

There is something about organization that just makes the world just feel so much better, and that's what Caboodles are all about. There were so popular back in the '80s and the '90s and they’re back now in full force, with some fun twists for the new decade. Caboodles come in all different sizes, collaborations (including one with Barbie), and they feel like the ones we grew up with — but with a touch of extra pizazz.

Remember when we would spend hours watching over our little digital pet and being stressed when we weren't able to get them their snack in time? This was our first taste of parenthood and now our kids are going to be able to feel the same stress. There's even a Hello Kitty Tamagotchi where the famous character gives a helping hand to our pet. They're due for release in December 2020.
Razor Scooters

Razor Scooters first came out at the end of the '90s and they were the best thing since bicycles and all the kids wanted them. They've made a huge resurgence since and there are so many benefits to using these vs. bikes — including making it easier to store away while in class at school.
Polly Pocket

There was no cooler toy in the '90s for kids who loved to play with dolls than Polly Pocket. She was tiny and had the coolest houses. The toy was revamped later so she was slightly larger and had clothes that we could dress her with. Well, she's back again this time she's even more modern, but they've gone back to her smaller size, which is what makes her so special.
Care Bears

One of the best TV shows growing up was the Care Bears. The cartoon was always feel-good, left us with a good message on how to treat people in the world, and the toys were amazing, too. We got to collect our favorite bears with their care stamps. Although the TV show has been off for a while, the toys are back and they're interactive now. They light up and talk and continue to spread the happiness we've come to love out of these guys — and their cousins.

Bop-It! took games to a new level in the '90s when board games were still a major part of entertainment for kids. The game is back now and while we played it over and over, our kids haven't, and it's fun to watch them get so much joy out of how we spent our time — before the internet and smartphones.

Back in 1997, the Tickle Me Elmo, the first one that made noise and giggled, was the biggest thing ever. It was so sought-after that people camped out at stores, and a literal stampede happened when the store opened. Now, the Elmo dolls are back in stores, but these ones are far better than that one that vibrated and giggled. He now plays guitars and says our kids' names, and there are so many more options for them to choose from now.

We all remember the catch phrase for these toys: "Weebles wobble but they don't fall down." We had ones with the popular characters from when we were kids like Sesame Street's Cookie Monster and Big Bird. Now, the toys are back and with the characters that our kids love today, like Marshall from Paw Patrol.

Back in the '90s, the Troll dolls were ugly, had bright hair that shot to the sky and everyone loved them. Now, of course, the dolls are still bright but they have personalities, and come from the popular Dreamworks movie, Trolls. They sing, love glitter, and have some adorable toys for a new generation to collect.
Little People

One of the best toys for little kids came from Fisher Price and the company had one of the most popular toys — the Little People collection. They're small enough for us to hold in our hands and didn't take up too much space in our house. They never really went anywhere, but they've gotten a modern look, some new characters for the kids to collect (like The Office and Lord of the Rings!), and the older vehicles and farms have a new touch as well.
Furby Connect Friend

OMG, the Furbies in the '90s were one of the most popular toys ever. It was like the beloved Tamagotchi but upgraded in this strange toy that we had to take care of. We would spend hours teaching and playing with them and taking ours to meet our friend's Furby. Now, they're upgraded, with a more modern way to connect with them.
Cabbage Patch Kids

One of the most popular dolls from the '80s and '90s had a strange story but they were well-received. These babies were born in a cabbage patch, each came with a name, and were impossible to find when we were kids and wanted one of our own. Now, they're back for our kids to play with and have a slightly updated look and birth certificate.
Super NES Classic

The original Super NES Classic came out in the 1990s and it was the hottest thing for parents to get a hold of. Of course, now, it's outdated as the upcoming PlayStation 5 is just around the corner. But we can't count out the Super NES Classic — it's back and it comes pre-loaded with games, a difference from the cartridges of the 90s we used to all blow into, but still nostalgia-filled hand-held fun.

Gak first came out in 1992 and was all the rage for any kid who loved to watch Nickelodeon. The idea came from the Nickelodeon show Double Dare and all the kids wanted Gak when it came out. Now, the popular goo is back, in the same fun colors, and our kids are excited to get their hands on it.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

These turtles in a half shell have been around for a while, and it looks like they're still just as popular as ever. The only hard part will be for kids to decided which is their favorite — just like we had to in the 90s — Leonardo, Donatello, Raphael or Michelangelo. Turtle power!
Micro Machines

Micro Machines were one of the fun toys we'd steal from our brothers and make a part of our Barbie game, or we were gifted these ourselves because our fascination was with cars. What made these fun is their size: tiny and pocket-sized. Yes they were easy to lose, but the fact that we could collect all of them made them special. Now, they're back and look cooler than ever, and TBH, we still want them.

Popples were our favorite thing growing up and we're not entirely sure what they were. Puppies? Monsters? Not sure, but we spent hours playing with them and folding them inside and outside their little pockets. The Popples are back now and they got themselves quite the makeover. They look more like happy monsters and they're adorable.