Adorable Irish Twin Toddlers Swear They Don’t Know Who Ate Mom’s Cake — But Their Faces Say Otherwise

Toddlers are the cutest, but they’re not always the most truthful. Some people would argue that little ones don’t know right from wrong, but that’s not always true. If you’ve spent time with a toddler, there’s a chance you’ve seen them use their best skills of deception to get what they want. Social media apps like TikTok are full of videos of cute little liars.

In an adorable video, a mom tries to ask her toddlers who ate her cake. Her little ones seem confused about where the delicious dessert disappeared to. One look at their faces, however, will show that they might actually have a clue.

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The mom captured the discovery on video.

TikTok user @briaallyse, who has the account Cannizzaro Fam, shared a video after she realized that someone ate the store-bought chocolate cake she had left on the counter. The container is closed, but the clip shows chocolate frosting smeared on the counter, as well as a trail of chocolate cake crumbs.

There is one possible suspect.

@briaallyse It’s always cake time in this house apparently 😬🤣 #babiesoftiktok #sahmlife ♬ What A Time - Julia Michaels

“What happened to Mommy’s cake?” the mom can be heard asking as the camera pans to her toddler. The little one’s face is covered in chocolate frosting, as are the toddler’s hands and arms.

“Do you know?” the mom asks, with the toddler emphatically replying “No!”

Hmmm, sounds a little bit guilty.

Another possible suspect is on the scene as well.


In a classic TikTok mom move, she pans the camera a little bit more, revealing that she is holding another little chocolate-covered tot.

“What about you?” she asks. “Do you know what happened to my cake?”

If she thinks she’s getting an answer, she is sadly mistaken, because the baby can only say “Cake!” The camera then pans one more time to the bigger kiddo, who’s still evoking her right to remain silent.

You know the video made you laugh.

TikTok users filled the comments, sharing their thoughts.

They are so Cute! We Can’t be mad at them,” one person wrote.

She was so offended that you asked her. And the other one looking like ‘u gon tell her,'” someone else commented.

At least they shared,” another person wrote, and mom replied “Yes! They are actually very good at sharing.”

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The little ones have a team of TikTok lawyers at their disposal.

I’m their lawyer and your honor THEY ARE INNOCENT,” one person wrote.

Free them. They are innocent,” someone else begged.

“They look innocent to me; they were framed,” yet another person chimed in.

You have no proof!” someone else wrote.

My clients are innocent and I will have to ask that all questions to cease and desist when I am no[t] present. Thank you,” one fan joked.