‘She Kept Asking for More’ so a Babysitter Gave My Kid 11 Packs of Gummy Bears

No matter how much we love our children, we can't be with them every second of every day. Whether it be for business or pleasure, sometimes we leave our kids with babysitters who we trust to care for them and love them just as much as we do. A lot of parents have very strict rules they insist babysitters follow and others are more go-with-the-flow. We aren't here to judge and think every family needs to do what works best for them.

Brandon Avedikian, @bavedikian, recently posted on X about his family's babysitter, and his story went seriously viral. According to the dad, the family's babysitter let their 4-year-old daughter eat 11 packs of gummy bears in one day. He was outraged and told his wife the babysitter was fired. Did he overreact?

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The sitter apparently had a reason for the high number.

According to Avedikian, his wife asked the sitter why in the world she allowed the tyke to have so many sugary snacks, and the babysitter said, "She kept asking for more."

Avedikian didn't think that was a reasonable excuse and never wants the sitter in his house again. He tweeted on X, "Nobody with that poor of judgment should be trusted with anything of value. Period."

Millions saw the post.

The tweet has gotten 8.5 million views, and X users had a lot to say about the adventure in babysitting.

The comments and questions came pouring in. One person wanted to know where the heck this sitter came from, and Avedikian defended his wife in the comments.

"She is very good at hiring babysitters and has great instincts but this one was a rare miss," he wrote.

He added that his family normally eats pretty healthy. "You'd be hard pressed to find a house that eats healthier than ours, but we do allow our kids to have 1 pack of organic gummy bears per day," he explained.

Others were shocked at the pure volume of sugar this kid ingested.

Even though they were apparently the tiny bags of gummies, 11 still seemed like too many to a lot of people.

"Read this too quickly, and thought it said 11 gummy bears. Was thinking, hmm yeah that's kind of a lot, but this guy sounds like he's sorta overreacting that's like less than one pack. 11 packs!" one person exclaimed.

And one X user hoped the babysitter left without any money. "I hope you didn't pay her," the person commented.

Of course, plenty of people had jokes.

The story wasn't funny to the parents, but some people got a good laugh.

One person blamed the sitter, writing, "Plot twist: Your daughter only had 1 pack. Babysitter ate 10 and was too embarrassed to admit it."

This one wants her digits: "My kids want the babysitter's number."

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There were also those in the camp who thought Avedikian was overthinking the whole thing.

"Relax. My grandmother made for me and my siblings sugar sandwiches. Two slices of white bread, butter and a thick layer of white, granulated sugar," one person wrote. "Served with Kool-aid, and followed by a big piece of cake. We all survived. I don't think that grandma baby sat again. But we certainly saw her after that."

Plenty of people blamed the parents for purchasing the snacks.

"Bro you put a million packs of gummy bears in your home. Then you paid someone, a comparatively low wage, to watch your kids, expected them to make better choices than you or your wife do, and, also, submit themselves to an entirely avoidable tantrum. You're a mediocre parent," someone else commented.

In the end, too much sugar isn't great, but this person had a good point: "This sounds like making a really big mountain out of a mole hill. How many of us have over eaten? It's not like she fed the baby poison. It's just gummy bears."