Irritated Dad Has Perfect Response for Lunch Lady Who Shamed Daughter Over Contents of Lunchbox

In an ideal world, the adults in our children’s lives would care about their health and well-being. But there’s a balance between caring about a child versus trying to override the decisions their parents make on their behalf. What they allow their children to wear, the choices they make with their hair, and even the food they put in their bodies are all a part of the parents’ domain.

But one school in Wales didn’t quite get this message and attempted to comment on a student’s lunchbox. The child’s father had the best response. 

More from CafeMom: This ‘Lunchable Mom’ Just Nailed the Real Problem With School Lunch Shaming

A lunch lady at his daughter’s school had a lot to say.

Father, husband, and small business owner Ross Hunt took to TikTok to vent in an NSFW video about the “dinner lady” (lunch lady) at his daughter’s school. This woman apparently lunch shamed his daughter, calling the food her parents packed for her unhealthy. 

Hunt, imitating the older dinner lady said, “Oh don’t eat that. Eat your sandwich. You shouldn’t have that.” Hunt called the unsolicited opinions, “f—ing irritating.”

More from CafeMom: My 3-Year-Old’s Teacher Shamed Her Over the ‘Bad’ Foods in Her Lunch & I Clapped Back

@teddyevascents Designing a label for the lunch box 👀 #teddyevascents #parentinglife ♬ original sound – Teddy Eva Scents

To make matters worse, Hunt says the comments have made his daughter Isabelle feel self-conscious about taking her lunch to school. So he came up with a solution. Because he uses a label maker for his business, he decided to make a label for his daughter’s lunchbox.

It reads, “Welcome to Isabelle’s Lunchbox! We are aware of the contents of this lunchbox and are happy for Isabelle to eat whatever she wants.”

Hunt made another label.

Hunt shared that he created a second label, but his wife wouldn’t allow him to send that one to school. It’s probably for the best as it contained some expletives.

When Hunt packed his daughter’s lunch the next day, he was tempted to “ram it full of sweets,” but ultimately decided against that, too. He concluded the video with this: “In short, stop telling kids hat they should and shouldn’t eat and let the f—ing parents decide.”

People saw it both ways.

The comments on his video were a mix of people who understood his frustration and those who could see that the lunch lady had a point.

“My child has a healthy breakfast and dinner so why can’t I give them stuff that I know they will eat and spoil them a little in their pack up?” one person asked rhetorically.

Then a teacher chimed in. “I teach in a school where half my reception class have rotten teeth requiring surgical intervention,” the person wrote. Hunt responded with a question: “Where the hell are you teaching? And yeah, if Isabelle was that bad, I’d understand.”

Another person focused on the label. “Give them a chance with the first label,” someone wrote. “If it doesn’t change…label two.” Hunt said he might have to resort to that.