People have a lot of opinions about extended breastfeeding. They often call moms who choose to breastfeed their children past the age of 1 “weird” or “creepy.” They don’t seem to understand that the choice can only be made by the mom and their child — no one else. But that doesn’t stop people from commenting.
One Romanian mom is clapping back at those who choose to judge her for extended breastfeeding. She revealed that she breastfed one of her daughters until the age of 6. But she doesn’t care if anyone finds it “strange” — she says that’s their problem.
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The mom is choosing extended breastfeeding for her second daughter as well.
Sanziana Buruiana, a mom of two and social media influencer who lives in Romania, finds it “strange” that people care about her breastfeeding choices, What’s the Jam reported. Appearing on a podcast, Buruiana shared that she still breastfeeds her 3-year-old daughter Antonia. She also revealed that she only recently stopped breastfeeding her older daughter Izabela.
She doesn't get why other people care what she does.
“I don’t stop, I give them until they want to stop,” Buruiana admitted. “There is nothing to cause harm to them, they are both fine,” she said. “I find it strange everyone asks me about breastfeeding. No matter what I’m doing, people will ask me. It seems normal to me.”
She pointed out the health benefits of extended breastfeeding.
The mom understands the health benefits of extended breastfeeding, which has influenced her decision to continue. “They will be strong and healthy,” she said. “But they are happy, have good immunity, and don’t catch colds,” she added. “I think it helps them.”
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She acknowledges how long she has been breastfeeding.
Buruiana shared that she breastfed Izabela until she started school, and is still breastfeeding her 3-year-old. Combined, the mom has been breastfeeding for many years.
“It is quite a long time to feed, especially since my second girl arrived and I continued to do so without stopping,” she agreed. “There was no break, so when you add up the years it seems like a lot.”
For her and her girls, breastfeeding has been nothing but good.
“With the boob, if they have a problem or are in pain, they immediately calm down,” she pointed. “I think it is like a bandage for them, a relief. And I couldn’t imagine what it would’ve been like if I hadn’t breastfed them.”
She also shared another highlight of breastfeeding. “It would have been even harder to put them to sleep!” she exclaimed. The mom also said that despite breastfeeding for about nine years consecutively, she thinks her breasts are in great shape. Good for her!
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