It can often feel like there is a long list of requirements when it comes to what a "good mom" should do, and trying to live up to those expectations can be incredibly taxing. Some influencers on social media make it seem as though they love everything about motherhood. The reality is that although there is a lot to love about being a mom, some aspects of motherhood can be challenging. One content creator is speaking up about some of the less glamorous aspects of being a mom. In a video shared on Instagram, the mom admitted that she doesn't like playing with her kids. In spite of this, she believes she is still a good mom.
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The mom began by explaining why she doesn't enjoy playing with her kids.

Becca Maberly is a postnatal expert and an author. She has several reasons why she doesn't enjoy playing with her kids. In her video, she explained that pretend play makes her feel "awkward." She also doesn't enjoy baking or crafting with her kids.
"The mess gives me anxiety and the end result is a waste of time and money," the mom said of baking with her children.
There are many things she does enjoy, though.
Although pretend play and crafts are not for her, she likes spending time with her kids in different ways.
"I do love chatting, reading, taking them outside, going on day trips, teaching them things, goofing around, and making them laugh," Becca said in the video.
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Some viewers implied that she was not a good enough parent.
Based on her description, it sounds like Becca has a lot of fun with her kiddos — but still, some people who commented on the video didn't think it was enough.
"It’s okay to not like these things, but do you still do it?" one Instagram user commented on the video. "Because otherwise this just sounds like having children and parenting is all about you."
Another person wrote, "Play is so important. Do it anyway."
One person even wondered why the mom became a parent if she didn't like this one aspect of parenting, writing, "Then why are you a parent?"
The mom explained that she doesn't need to love every aspect of parenting.
The whole point of Becca's video, however, was that she's still a good parent even if she doesn't love absolutely everything about being one. A good mom doesn't have to be amazing at everything.
"I know that despite not being great at all parts of this parenting thing, I am a really good mom," Becca concluded in her video.
Some moms said the message was exactly what they needed to hear.
Though there were a few naysayers, many moms appreciated Becca's message. Some admitted that they sometimes feel "guilty" for struggling with some aspects of parenting.
"Gosh it's so nice to read this," one person commented. "The guilt I feel for not being good at just 'playing.'"
The video also inspired some other moms to admit that they don't like playing with their kids either. One mom said she judged moms for not playing with their kids before she became a mom herself. Now, she realizes "how wrong I was for judging."
"I love being with my son and doing many things together but playing superheroes just isn’t it for me," the mom wrote.