Choosing what you will call your child is not something to be taken lightly. It is the name they will hear over and over again throughout the course of their life. And there are plenty of cultures that believe the name you choose for your child will determine their personality and character.
That type of pressure could make anyone a little anxious. But one mom on TikTok suggests that you take the pressure off of yourself and let your child pick their name for themselves. Ashie Adams explained how to do it. And we can’t lie, it actually makes sense.
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Ashie immediately addressed the doubters saying, 'You don't get to tell me that's not what happened.'
Ashie, who calls herself the funniest MILF in Utah, claims that her daughter chose her name before she was born and sent her signs and synchronicity so she would know it, too.
After that sentence, she immediately addressed the doubters: “And you don’t get to tell me that’s not what happened.” Ashie said none of us know how the universe works more than her. She’s convinced that’s what happened and she’s sticking to it.
With Ashie so convinced, you may be wondering how this works. Luckily, she explained.
Ashie said the first step is to watch for signs.
Step No. 1, Ashie explained, is to watch for signs and synchronicities and step No. 2 was to be delusional. For Ashie it went like this: She and her partner knew, even before she was pregnant, that they wanted to name their first daughter Daisy.
But once she got pregnant, completely unexpectedly and unplanned, the name Daisy felt wrong. Ashie said that she was so shaken by the news of her pregnancy that she pulled an Oracle card. (More on that later.)
Ashie said the name she assumed she would give her daughter didn't feel right.
When Ashie told her husband that Daisy didn’t seem right, he told her that he recently had a dream that they had a daughter named Margaret. Ashie wasn’t convinced, saying she couldn’t picture herself saying, “Margaret 30 times a day for the rest of her life.” But she was willing to consider it.
She was so open to the possibility that she started googling nicknames for Margaret. She found that one of the listed nicknames for Margaret was Daisy because of the French translation, which is Marguerite.
Her husband suggested a name, but Ashie wasn't sold initially.
Still, Ashie wasn’t sold. But a couple of months later, when she was midway through her pregnancy, a friend told her, “I just heard of someone naming their baby Mars. Isn’t that the coolest name?” It struck a chord immediately. “That’s my baby’s name,” Ashie told her friend.
“I felt so deeply I will be saying the name Mars for 30 times a day for the rest of my life.” But Ashie’s husband didn’t think Mars should be the official name. Together they decided to name her Margaret for legal purposes and call her Mars.
Other moms said they had similar experiences.
Ashie said her favorite part of the story involves that Oracle card she pulled when she first learned she was pregnant. The card is a picture of the planet Mars, red dirt and all. The bottom of the card reads: “Mars Energy: Anger, conflict, softening to love.” As someone who felt like I received signs about my son’s name as well, I get it. And in the comments section, there were people who had similar experiences.
“I found my daughter’s name in every crossword puzzle I did while pregnant,” one user wrote.
Another mom wrote: “Would constantly ask my son (belly) what he wanted his name to be and one day I was driving and was like tell me! And my phone glitched, so I had to restart my songs. And Lauryn Hill’s 'To Zion' started playing and he started kicking me like crazy! I had to pull over because I was bawling.”
“We exist in such a perfectly orchestrated universe and it’s incredible what paying attention to the details can do,” wrote one user, summing all of this woo-woo energy up perfectly.