Many couples who are expecting a baby are excited to find out the sex of their little one. For some, having a gender reveal party is a way to celebrate the milestone and share that joy with others, but at times, it feels like people have gone too far with their sometimes outlandish — or even dangerous — gender reveals. One couple on TikTok wanted to take a more “intimate” approach for their baby’s gender reveal.
Instead of having a party, Jordan Benfatti and her husband decided to go shopping at Target and then have their intimate gender reveal at home afterward. They went to Target to pick out two outfits — one for a boy and one for a girl. The outfit the Target cashier sent them home with would reveal the sex of their baby.
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The couple did their shopping without knowing their baby's sex.

When Jordan and her husband went shopping at Target, they didn’t know the sex of their baby. A video shared on TikTok shows the couple shopping in the baby clothing section of the store.
In the video, Jordan asked her husband to explain what his job is. He shared that he was shopping for an outfit for a baby boy. Jordan then chose an outfit for a baby girl.
They gave an envelope with information about the baby's sex to a Target employee.
To execute their intimate gender reveal idea, the couple found a Target employee who was willing to help. They gave the two outfits, along with an envelope containing the information about their baby’s sex, to a Target employee.
“A lady at the returns section in target went into the back, opened our envelope and put the corresponding outfit into the bag for us,” Jordan explained in a comment on TikTok. She told Newsweek that “the cashier at Target even thanked us for letting her be a part of this moment and said it was an honor.”
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The couple went home with their Target shopping bag, completely unaware of which outfit was inside.
When Jordan and her husband left Target and headed home, they both felt “nervous,” they said on TikTok. The baby’s outfit was placed in a brown paper bag and the couple had no idea which outfit was inside. They also asked the cashier to put either a blue or pink bow on a teddy bear, which was also placed in the bag.
Both Jordan and her husband guessed that their baby was a boy.
Before looking in the bag, Jordan and her husband both shared that they thought their baby was a boy. They sat on the couch together with the bag in between them and Jordan began taking tissue paper out of the bag to reveal the sex of their baby.
Jordan and her husband looked into the bag at the same time to discover that they were actually having a girl. They both appeared ecstatic, and Jordan’s husband cheered, “Girl dad!”
The couple did their baby’s intimate gender reveal on Jordan’s birthday, and Jordan said it was her “best birthday ever” after finding out that she was having a girl.
People loved the idea.
On TikTok, many people reacted to the couple’s more “intimate” gender reveal. One person on TikTok called the couple’s take on a gender reveal party “the first time I genuinely loved the reveal party.”
“I love this so much more than those crazy ones,” another person commented. “nothing will ever top just the husband and wife in the room. congratulations!”
“With everything so public these days, this is so wonderful,” another TikTok user wrote.
A lot of people also appreciated how Jordan’s husband seemed so happy to be having a girl. “I love that dad was so excited still for a girl. So many seem disappointed when it is not a boy,” one person commented.
Another chimed in with, “Why did I start sobbing when he went ‘girl dad’ 😭😭”