As an eldest daughter and slightly neurotic child, the approval of adults and authority figures was crucially important to me. I wanted to behave in a way that was pleasing to not only my parents, but also my teachers. I’m in my late 30s now and I can still recall every piece of negative feedback I got from my teachers from first through fifth grade.
As an adult, I can recognize that this is not entirely healthy. It’s encouraging, therefore, to see that some of today’s children are seeing and moving a bit differently in the world. A kindergarten teacher shared her firsthand experience with this phenomenon.
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The teacher tried to connect to one of her students.
Instagrammer Rochelle is a kindergarten teacher who recently shared a hilarious interaction with one of her students that proved this generation is on a different type of time.
“Today, at recess, I was talking to one of my students,” Rochelle began. “I said, ‘We match today. We both have on a red shirt and we have on bell bottoms.’ And she goes, ‘I don’t care.’”
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'Ok, I'm going to go cry now,' Rochelle joked.
No one has the power to cut you down like a child who means exactly what they say.
“Oh my God,” Rochelle continued, telling the story through a fit of laughter. I was like “OK, I’m going to go cry now. Bye.”
Rochelle captioned the video, “Zero cares given.” The hilarious story lead to other Instagrammers — many of them teachers — sharing their ruthless interactions with little ones.
Other teachers shared similar burns from their students.
“When I was teaching pre k a kid was all alone just kind of staring off,” another teacher shared. “So I went over and asked what he was doing he responded “minding my business”. I walked away and decided to do the same.”
Another educator shared what happened at recess when she tried to get into the spirit of the season. “I’m an instructional assistant and at kinder recess last week, I went up behind 3 students and said, “Boo! Did I scare you?” And one child, a 6-year-old boy said, “No, you annoyed me.”
Other IG users shared the times when they embarrassed the adults in their lives.
“When I was very young, I was at a family member’s wedding,” one user shared. “My grandma asked me if she looked pretty in her dress. I said, “no,” and pranced off without another thought. My mom tells me she came crying to her and all my mom said was, “well, why did you ask the mean one? 💀🤣”
Another woman shared the advice she offered to a woman who was involving children in her very adult problems. “I remember when I was young about 9 or 10 I used to attend the boys and girls club,” she wrote. “One of the women in there used to always talk about her problems with her husband in front of us so I thought I was a part of the conversation. So she asked the group of women with just little Ole me why they think her husband keeps cheating.
“I said ‘Maybe it’s BC u don’t have any tatas,’ she continued. “I got kicked out the club for a year. Now looking back I realize how messed up it was what I said but I was honestly just making an observation. But them grown women had no business talking about adult stuff around children.”