Watching children grow up can be a bittersweet experience. On the one hand, you get to witness them achieve some of life’s greatest milestones. But there’s also this knowing that with each level of growth and development, your children are that much closer to being out on their own in the world, figuring it out for themselves.
If you haven’t heard, the world isn’t always kind and we’re biologically wired to protect these little ones, even if our methods are a bit outlandish and unrealistic. One dad on TikTok can already see the need to protect his little one and decided — all in good fun — to get her to sign a contract, he thought might protect her from heartbreak.
Manel Moreira made a toddler in his life vow not to date until 2041.
One TikToker knows all about this. Manel Moreira, who goes by @manelhenr on TikTok had a young girl in his life participate in a mock signing day, where she vowed not to date for the next 19 years.
Completely oblivious to the terms and conditions, the toddler, wearing shades as the cameras flashed, signed on the dotted line as her father held up a T-shirt that read: “No Boyfriend until 2041.”
We doubt this contract will be honored.
Baby girl has to be more careful about just signing anything. But because she’s a minor, we doubt this contract will hold up in the court of law, not to mention the real world. A signed contract has no chance when it's up against teenage hormones.
Manel’s video has been viewed over 2 million times, and the comments have only made the video that much more engaging.
At least one person raised an interesting question.
Some fathers shared that they too have drafted contracts, but their daughters have yet to sign.
One commenter wrote: “Plot twist: she gets a girlfriend.”
Another user pointed out the fact that we never see fathers express the same amount of concern, protection, or hesitancy around their sons dating. Valid.
Most just enjoyed it.
But for those who’d like to just let this video be light and funny, it’s pretty adorable. The people love it. ESPN even asked for permission to repost the skit on their platform. Do you think this little girl will find this funny as she gets older?