Ever wonder what babies are really thinking when they breastfeed? They always seem so blissed out to me! Maybe it's not complicated — maybe it's mostly "happy, happy, joy, joy" or something to that effect. But we thought it might be fun to imagine that we could do a little eavesdropping and hear the thoughts going through a baby's mind while they breastfeed. What are they really thinking? Here are our best guesses.
What do you think your baby is thinking — or feeling — while they breastfeed?
Got Plans for After
I am SO taking a nap right after this. [BELCH!]
Yo Look What My Moms Can Do
Good thing my mom does yoga, because this breastfeeding position is amaze.
When Twins Nurse
All I can say is, good thing Mom's got two of these.
Brain Food
Ooh, I can feel my brains growing right now!
No Hurry
I could do this all day. In fact — maybe I will!
Ooh, mom’s been hitting that garlic and chili broccoli again – Yum!
Weaning What?
So I hear there's this thing called "weaning" where they cut you off. Seriously?!? I'd better enjoy this while it lasts …
Yay Me!
You mean I get to keep doing this day after day? Dude, I love my life right now!