Most moms of infants are lucky if they can remember their own names on any given day, but for moms of twins, the stakes are that much higher. For Sofi Rodriguez, a mom of identical twins, figuring out her own name is easier than figuring out which baby she's holding. These beautiful boys look so much alike! The new mom had even tried attaching a colored ribbon to one of the babies’ wrists so she could tell them apart.
After they fell ill one night, the ribbon was removed and with it her ability to tell her beloved boys apart. Grasping for a solution, she opted to take her 6-week-old babies to a police station to have them fingerprinted because she just couldn’t tell who was who.
Sofi joked about being 'Mother of the Year.'
Sofi joked on Twitter about feeling like the "Mother of the Year." It’s impressive that as a new mom she had the clarity of thought to see that she needed help, and seek it out without apology. But she's not the first twin mom who has been through this.
No one could tell them apart.
While it's easier to tell the boys apart in pictures, even the police couldn’t tell them apart in person. Sofi appealed to the children’s doctors, who according to the New York Post, “may have also become confused and accidentally vaccinated one of the babies twice.”
Sofi needed more help.
The mom turned to Argentina’s National Registry of Persons to help clarify her sons’ identities. According to the Latin American and Caribbean Council of Civil Registry, Identity and Vital Statistics, the National Registry of Persons (ReNaPer) is tasked with the “Registration and identification of persons of visible existence residing in the Argentine territory or Argentine jurisdiction and all Argentines regardless of where they are domiciled, by registering their most important records from birth and through the different stages of his life, those who will keep permanently updated.”
The ribbons are back.
On March 4, ReNaPer came through and certified the babies' identities. Sofi reinstated the blue ribbon on one of their wrists, and hopefully, there won't be any mix-ups going forward!