Finally, Girls With Daddy Issues Have Their Very Own ‘Dating Site’ (VIDEO)

Oh my god. All I have to say about the hilarious Funny or Die video "" is that I wish it came out a long, long time ago. Because I'm pretty sure a few of the boyfriends I had when I was younger inspired the d-bag characters in this clip, and maybe watching it would've made a lightbulb of recognition turn on in my head:

Why am I with this loser?

Nah, who am I kidding? I probably would've just shrugged and told myself some lame-o lie, like "Emily" in the video:

"Tripp only invites me over when he's been drinking, but that's just because he knows night time is the most romantic. And he's always really excited to see me … really … excited."

If you have/had your own Daddy Issues, prepare to fall off your chair laughing in recognition. If you have a friend with Daddy Issues, I suggest showing her this video. (She won't even know it's an intervention! At first, anyway.) "Dr. Todd Lodge," founder, pretty much sums it up:

"Nice guys are boring. Treat you with respect, unconditional love … you don't want that. You want a guy who treats you like dirt! You want a guy who fulfills your Daddy Issue."

I know, I know! It's funny because it's TRUE! – watch more funny videos

Do the girls in this video remind you of anyone? (Maybe yourself?!)

Image via Funny or Die