There are some women who learn that their husbands are cheating and handle themselves with dignity and grace, and there are some who buy impotence-inducing pills on the black market and try to make their philanderer's penis soft forever. It's the old, if I can't have him, nobody can scenario and it's a dangerous game to be playing.
It allegedly happened in Taiwan. Ms. Liu, a housewife, knew that her husband was sleeping around and tried to lure him back with sexy lingerie and porn, but when that didn't work, she took matters into her own hands.
Liu hired a private investigator who was able to procure the softy pills, as I'm calling them, and the rest, I guess, is history. There are no details about how or if she fed her wandering husband the illicit drugs, but doctors say that taking too many of them could result in permanent erectile dysfunction. And, if convicted, Liu could spend up to 12 years in prison. That's gotta be some hard news to swallow.
Any man or woman who's been brutally scorned knows that the pain can make you consider doing crazy things, like smashing a guitar, tagging a car, or burning some clothes, but sane people eventually cool down and realize that it's better to take the high road than to release some anger on unsuspecting material possessions.
There's no excuse for property damage or, in this case, penis damage. Not only does it make you seem like a lunatic, it's morally reprehensible and, in most cases, illegal.
There's a reason they say that living well is the best revenge, and not impotence pills. If you want to get back at someone who's cheated on you, find happiness. They'll be jealous forever.
How would you react if you found out your husband was cheating?
Photo via The Javorac/Flickr