Sure, "sexy French maid" may have been your go-to Halloween costume before you had kids — but now that October 31 means handing out candy and leading a small tribe of trick-or-treaters around the neighborhood, there are some disguises better left in the back of your closet.
Here are some of the most inappropriate costume choices any mom could make — at least while the kids are awake! (Warning: Some of these should be avoided at ALL times.)
Image via fantasytoyland.com
Wet T-Shirt Contest Winner

This sad, soggy Wet T-Shirt Winner Costume ($36.99, spirithalloween.com) is offensive on so many levels, I can't even keep count. (I also can't imagine any woman actually finding this funny.)
Cecil the Lion

Oh yes, somebody actually went there: A slutty Cecil the Lion costume ($118.95, yandy.com). The fact that 20 percent of the proceeds will be given to a Global Conservation Organization barely even helps.
Bustin' Out Prisoner

Hey, kids! Prison uniforms are NOTHING like this Bustin' Out Prisoner Costume ($29.99, partycity.com) — although whoever wears this deserves to be locked up!
More from The Stir: 12 Tasteless Halloween Costumes No One Should Try — But You Know Someone Will (PHOTOS)
Native American Princess

It's Halloween, not Coachella — and this Native American Princess Costume ($49.99, partycity.com) is blatant cultural appropriation either way. (And yes, I had a version of this costume as a kid too, but that was the '70s! We didn't know any better yet.)
First Aid Flirt

Can we please not degrade the honorable profession of nursing with this First Aid Flirt Nurse Costume ($39.99, partycity.com) madness? (In public, anyway??)
Blessed Babe Nun

A particularly bad choice for moms of children who go to Catholic school, this unholy Blessed Babe Nun Costume ($26.99, partycity.com) doesn't have a prayer.
More from The Stir: 14 Fun Halloween Costumes for Siblings to Wear Together
Mail Order Bride

If you're a mom who wears this Mail Order Bride Costume ($23.99, fantasytoyland.com), don't be surprised when the kids develop some pretty odd ideas about how you and their dad got together.
Booty Camp Cutie

Anyone who wears this Booty Camp Cutie Army Costume ($49.99, partycity.com) should be required to send a written apology to a soldier.
Sexy SWAT Officer

Why do I feel like the use of "excessive force" is to be expected if you're wearing this Hot SWAT Costume ($44.99, partycity.com)? So wrong for anything but an adults-only party.
More from The Stir: 10 Creative Pregnancy Halloween Costume Ideas
Bottle of Wine

A glass of wine with dinner? Perfectly appropriate. This Wine Bottle Dress Costume ($20.95, fantasytoyland.com) is NOT a glass of wine with dinner.
Beer Girl

Superhero is actually a great costume choice for moms, but Beer Girl Costume ($14.90, fantasytoyland.com) wouldn't quite make the cut as a Marvel character.
She's the Bomb

Here's a She's the Bomb Costume ($27.83, fantasytoyland.com). Good rule of thumb: If a costume would get your kid expelled from school, maybe you don't wear it either.
More from The Stir: 12 Couples Halloween Costumes Your Neighbors Aren't Already Doing (PHOTOS)