A new video is spreading around the Internet, and it gives us an honest look at what modern moms' street style is really all about. Sure, we online shop for skinny jeans and strappy heels, but when it comes to everyday style, nothing can compare to a comfy pair of yoga pants. And while a casual cruise around Target might make most people think every mom nowadays is a gym rat, the reality is much less glam. And this "Activewear" video completely nails it.
Drinking coffee with friends, going to the movies, grocery shopping — the Van Vuuren Bros who produced this sassy satire know what we're really doing while dressed in head-to-toe Spandex. Oh, and don't forget the Sporty Spice look we put together to go out and shop for more activewear.
Just watch "Activewear" for yourself.
Embedded content: https://www.youtube.com/embed/CYRENWT8lz8
And why shouldn't we dress for physical activity, when you think about it? Anyone who's ever chased a toddler through a mall knows sneakers and a jog bra are a must. Folding laundry and schlepping the Costco cases of Gatorade, these are sweat-inducing activities! Why not treat yourself to moisture-wicking fabrics and Spandex support?
Also, let's acknowledge that there is nothing that goes from midnight feeding to school drop-off to nap to getting spit-up on quite like a nice pair of stretchy pants.
More from The Stir: 20 Places Moms Can Wear Yoga Pants Without Embarrassing Themselves
The video is hilarious because for most of us it's like looking in the mirror. However, not everything moms do in their activewear is frivolous, and those armies of tired mamas you see walking around like zombies in their matching yoga outfits are doing stuff way more important than a SoulCycle class. They're raising babies, taking care of business, and look mighty fine doing it.
Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to meet some friends for lunch — in my activewear.
Image via Van Vuuren Bros / YouTube