Ever travel somewhere and feel like you're suddenly surrounded by supermodels? Dating app Clover has ranked the states where the most attractive women reside using its proprietary scoring system. While it's certainly not scientific, it is interesting to see if your state made the list!
If you're looking to find an attractive new woman (or some attractive friends), looks like the East Coast is where you'll find them! Check out the list and see if you agree.
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#8. Michigan

Maybe the air coming off the Great Lakes is good for the skin. Michigan ranks No. 8 on the list. Supermodel Kate Upton calls St. Joseph home — enough said!
#7. Virginia

The sprawling countryside and those Blue Ridge Mountains are beautiful enough, but apparently Virginia is also home to some very attractive ladies. In fact, People's Most Beautiful Woman for 2015, Sandra Bullock, hails from Arlington.
#6. Nevada

Perhaps it's all those glamorous Las Vegas showgirls! Nevada comes in at No. 8 on the list. No wonder those wedding chapels are so popular.
More from The Stir: The 8 States Most Obsessed With Their Looks: Is Yours One of Them? (PHOTOS)
#5. Pennsylvania

The Keystone State ranked fifth on the list of most attractive women. Grace Kelly, Taylor Swift, and Tina Fey all grew up in PA!
#4. Massachusetts

From the bustling city of Boston to the quiet shores of Cape Cod, Massachusetts is filled with lovely ladies, pushing the state into the No. 4 spot.
More from The Stir: 10 Least Expensive States to Live — Is Yours on the List? (PHOTOS)
#3. New Jersey

Wow, Jersey girls ranked third on the most attractive list. (No wonder native son Bruce Springsteen sings about them!) Could JWoww and Snooki be responsible for this?
#2. New York

It should be no surprise that the Empire State comes in at No. 2 on this list. Plenty of perennially stunning actresses call New York home. From the Big Apple to the Hamptons, beauty abounds!
#1. Connecticut

Who knew the Constitution State was chock-full of gorgeous gals? Connecticut is a mix of cities, rural farmlands, and quaint, historic towns. With the easy access to Manhattan, it's no wonder beautiful women want live here.
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