How you met, where you came from, and the story of how you all ended up living together as a family is no doubt a good story. It's also what makes you a family. That isn't defined by your last name or even your bloodline. Family is a verb. You become family through actions and deeds.
This isn't always the message kids hear in the world and media, though. So raise your voice over the din with some in-home messaging.
These signs — placed where everyone will see them daily — will overcome the marketing, the bullies, and the tone-deaf cultural habits and say it like it is: This blended family is here by choice!
Here are some ideas for an entryway, kitchen, and living room that help define your blended family's zeitgeist.
Everyone has a different last name? So what?

We get our last names when we are so young we have no say in the matter. By the time we are able to think about it, we are too attached to our name to change it. Because of this, it doesn't always work out that our last names match the rest of our family's. That's not what makes a family, though. Family is something you decide to get up and do every day. That's the message of this beautifully scripted sign ($65) that reads "The last names may not match, but the hearts certainly do."
Home — and family — is where the heart is.
The perfect blend

Stepsisters, stepmothers, and half-siblings all have myths, movies, and monsters to overcome. But as you know, it isn't all slippers that don't fit, rags, and unhappiness-in-search-of-rescue. It can be just right. Everyone is here because it's where they want to be.
This "The Perfect Blend" sign ($65 in 20-by-10-inch size) helps get across your message of inclusion and affection. No one is "step" or "half." Everyone is an equal part of this family.
You choose the color and size (prices vary) and provide the names.
The definition of blended

Just spell it out. This "Blended Family" definition sign ($17 in a 5-by-10-inch size) provides a dictionary-style definition of what a blended family is, in case anyone in your brood is feeling less than. This spells it right out in, well, whatever color you choose.
The scripted hand is pretty. There are plenty of background wash colors to choose from so you can match your decor. Pick the size you want. You can even choose between a standard or boxed trim hanging style.
Big, bold, and perfect

Here's another take on "The Perfect Blend" ($74.99 in 9-by-24-inch size). In this concept, if your family was founded in a particular year, this would be your shop sign. You choose the size, the date, and the names.
Another perfect blend

Need a big sign to hang over the door or fireplace? Here's another take on "The Perfect Blend" that's big enough to hold its own on the wall. You choose between 26-by-11 ($60) or 30-by-13 ($70). Then pick a wood color, provide your family's first names, and order.
"I had hoped for a beautiful sign when I placed my order," wrote one reviewer. "But this blew me away!"
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