Alissa Ashley is A Real One, man.
If you're not following her on Twitter, Instagram, or YouTube yet, what are you even doing with your life? Her flawless complexion technique, staunch honesty, and gift for photography make her a must-know influencer if you're into makeup in any capacity.
If you're not aware, she's known for her extremely tight-shot self-portraits, which reveal that she really is an application expert. If you're in need of a little makeup inspiration today, look no further than Ashley's pristine feed.
If you love makeup and aren't following Alissa Ashley, you ought to.
Even if you aren't that into makeup, she's an endless source of just really beautiful photos.
The YouTuber and beauty influencer has some of the best close-up makeup shots on the internet.
She shoots these photos by herself, by the way.
In her house.
With no help from another photographer.
Like, HOW?
If you've ever tried to take a photo of this quality yourself, you understand just how hard that is to do.
On top of all this, she's just really damn good at makeup.
Find a better blend and/or brow than this. I dare you.
Need an unproblematic bae?
One who's constantly defying the rules of "Instagram makeup"?
It's Alissa.
I stan a multitalented icon.