These Are the Financial Worries Keeping Families Up at Night

Experiencing money stress in the family is nothing new for many parents, but some families are experiencing fresh financial woes right now. Rising costs of everything from groceries to housing to health care has many of us worried about how we will keep it all afloat.

Personally, my husband and I have been very stressed lately trying to navigate new bills and price increases. Especially as our children get older, it seems as if we just can’t keep up anymore. (Why did no one tell me how expensive braces are??)

More from CafeMom: My Husband & I Make $160,000 a Year & ā€˜We Live Paycheck to Paycheckā€™ Raising 4 Kids

I worry about a lot of things, such as if we will be able to pay our property taxes or how on earth we will afford our new health insurance premium (which literally doubled overnight at the start of the new year), or how to best support our oldest child, who will be graduating high school next year. It feels impossible to think about launching a new adult into the world when I’m struggling to pay my bills as it is.

I know I’m not alone in feeling the money stress in the family. On our Facebook pages, parents shared the real financial worries that are keeping them up at night ā€“ and many of them sound very familiar.

Money Stress in the Family: What People Are Worried About Right Now

“Never having enough to live on,” ā€“ Connie C. commented on the post.

“Not having money!!” ā€“ Kelly B.

“Health insurance. Even though I have it, I can’t get the treatments I need because of money.” ā€“ Theresa S.

“Cost of living is getting entirely too costly and rent is getting entirely too costly and it’s soo hard to buy groceries at the same time… Just saying.” ā€“ Jeanette B.

“Not having enough to pay rent and buy food.” ā€“ Carole M.

“Worrying about losing a job or not earning enough to meet needs.” ā€“ Amy B.

“Food prices.” ā€“ Kathy O.

“Unexpected expenses…” ā€“ Mary C.

“Not being able to pay my bills.” ā€“ Frances J.

“Everything, my husband was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer in Aug of 2024, it has spread to lymph nodes. There has been 10 rounds of radiation, a ton of CT Scans, surgery to remove over a liter of fluid from around his lungs, 6 rounds of chemotherapy, he lost 57 pounds in less than 3 months. It changed everything for us, and now I am his sole caregiver, we have a whole new normal with a lot of uncertainty.” ā€“ Angie M.

“Health insurance.” ā€“ Anna S.

“Rent food gave away heath insurance could not [afford] it any more, dental as well, soon it will be glasses.” ā€“ Ann L.

“All debt, including major dental.” ā€“ Kathy B.

“Can’t afford rent or housing market.” ā€“ Pam S.

“Canā€™t afford to buy a house.” ā€“ Peggy S.

“Escalating prices on everythingā€¦” ā€“ Carolee M.

Money Woes Not Easing Anytime Soon

If you’re also worried about finances, you’re certainly not alone. Recent statistics show that American parents are most concerned about the following areas of their finances:

  • Child care
  • Inflation
  • Surprise expenses
  • Home insurance costs

The real money stresses we all have are concerning. Many families are fighting back in any way they can, from taking on more work to getting creative with child care to living together to save resources.

There is no easy way to navigate life with the uncertainty that exists about what will happen with our finances now and down the road, but it can help to know that none of us are alone in feeling stressed about what the future will hold.

More from CafeMom: Hereā€™s What Real Families Are Doing To Save Money Right Now