A school forced a female student to cover her nipples with Band-Aids

School dress codes rarely make any sense. While several ARE actually progressive, most enforce the idea that collarbones, shoulders, legs, or any other part of a female student's body should be monitored, policed, and penalized if shown.

One school took a dress code violation even further and forced a female student to cover up her  nipples — despite the school dress code never explicitly stating female students should always wear bras.

Lizzy Martinez, a 17-year-old student at Braden River High School in Florida, was told to cover her nipples with Band-Aids because they were "distracting other students."

Kari Knop

Martinez wore a long-sleeve Calvin Klein shirt without a bra to school. During fifth period, she was pulled from class and made to go to the dean. Martinez was told her breasts and nipples were "distracting," and that "a boy was laughing at her." She was then accused of violating dress code policy, according to Bradenton Herald.

Intitially, Martinez was told to put on a second shirt under her shirt to keep her breasts from moving.

Kari Knop

“She told me that I needed to put a shirt on under my long-sleeve shirt to try to tighten my breasts — to constrict them," Martinez told the Herald. "And then she asked me to move around.”

Apparently her body was still too "distracting" for some students, and she was given Band-Aids to cover her nipples.

"They told me to cross out my nipples and I just went to the bathroom and cried," Martinez told BuzzFeed. "I was in shock that it was such a big deal that I wasn't wearing a bra. Most days I don't wear one. It depends on my mood. I'm not wearing one right now, and why should it matter?"

It's an infuriating double standard.

"It's a disgusting example of a double standard and shows how our culture body-shames women. If a boy was staring at her nipples that long why was he not spoken to or punished?" Martinez's mother, Kari Knop, stated.

Knop also pointed out that the matter would've been treated differently (aka, not at all) if it happened with a male student.

"This whole issue was really eye-opening for me and puts things in perspective because I also have a 13-year-old son and, at that age, they have erections on accident and no one calls them out or sends them home," she said. "Why is a 17-year-old girl's breast moving any different? It's a collection of fat cells."

While the district counsel acknowledged the matter wasn't treated correctly by the school, the incident is still considered a dress code violation.

"This matter was brought to the attention of the Superintendent’s Office for review. It is undisputed that this matter should have been handled differently at the school level and corrective measures have been taken to prevent a reoccurrence in the way these matters will be addressed in the future," Mitchell Teitelbaum, the district's general counsel, said in a statement. 

"There was a violation of the School Dress Code and it was an appropriate matter to address by the School," the statement continued. "It is clear the intent of school officials was to assist the student in addressing the situation. No disciplinary action was taken in relation to the student."

However, there is nothing in the dress code about female students being required to wear bras.

The dress code only states that students "are expected to dress appropriately for school and for the business of learning with proper attention given to personal cleanliness, grooming, and neatness."

Cleanliness, grooming and neatness have nothing to do with covering your nipples, BTW.

Martinez was also blocked by the school on Twitter.

After an outpouring of both local and international support for Martinez, the school blocked the student on Twitter.

"I find it hard to believe that someone saw my boob jiggle and it was the end of the world for them," Martinez told BuzzFeed.

Regardless, policing female students' bodies because of their potential for "distracting" male students and teachers is not OK.

There is nothing inherently sexual about nipples, just like there's nothing inherently sexual about collarbones, backs, necks, or any other body part that's been accused of violating a dress code. 

We hope Braden River High School will amend its dress code to be more inclusive and embracing of students' bodies, and not unfairly policing them instead.

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