Not only did one woman on Reddit recently learn that her husband was cheating on her but also that it was with her child’s teacher no less. His deceit should be enough for the woman to kick her husband to the curb, but she’s recently learned that she was two weeks pregnant — and in a cruel twist of fate, the teacher is expecting too.
For the most part, the Original Poster’s (OP) marriage has been a dream.
The 35-year-old has been married to her 33-year-old husband for eight years, but about two years ago, things started to fall apart.
“I had mental problems, depressions. I treated him like crap,” she admitted in a post on the r/relationship_advice forum.
During this time, the OP was sure that her husband was “damaging” her, and her resentment toward him started to grow.
This went on for months, and although her husband continued to treat her “like a queen,” the growing discord only got worse. About six months later, her son’s biological father (her ex) asked her to go on a three-week trip — just the three of them.
“My husband trusted me and allowed me to go to the trip,” she recalled. “He felt that this would improve my mental health.”
But again, she really wasn’t in the best place at the time, and we bet you can guess what happened.
She cheated with her ex.
“I came back and confessed to my husband about the cheating,” she recalled. “To my surprise, he still wanted to give me another chance but I was not sure about us. So I ended up going to my ex’s house.”
Two days later, the OP decided it was worth it to give her husband another shot.
“I realized how much he cared for me and how he always prioritized me above anything,” she wrote. “He took me back.”
Surprisingly, they were able to get things to go back to normal and they even decided to have a child together in the future.
“Two weeks ago, I found [out] that I am pregnant,” she wrote. “We celebrated and were very happy.”
About a week ago, her 14-year-old son’s teacher said something really strange.
She told her teenage son that soon “he will be having more siblings to play with.”
“I found that odd. I thought ‘how does she know about my pregnancy?’” she remembered.
She even asked her husband if he told the teacher about her pregnancy — and naturally he said no.
Suspicious, the OP did a little snooping. That’s when she found six months worth of messages between her husband and the teacher, “full on flirting, sexting, exchanging nudes,” she wrote.
“Then I found a message along with a picture linked,” she recalled. “Picture was of a pregnancy test and the text read ‘you are going to be the greatest father to our child.’ My heart sank.”
The OP “literally threw up in the bed.”
“I confronted him in the middle of the night,” she wrote. “I asked him why would he do that to our family and our child.”
He told her that he needed a shoulder to lean on during her affair — and he found one with the teacher.
“She said that she suffered from infertility,” he told her. “He said that she wanted to keep the child because it was her miracle child. They ended things a month ago. They still sexted but they eventually cut contact when I found that I was pregnant. He says that my pregnancy was a wake up call to him.”
She’s two weeks pregnant and her son’s teacher is five months pregnant — so now she’s just looking for some advice on what to do.
“I know most of you will say that I destroyed my marriage and I know it but now I want to save it whatever it takes,” she wrote. “I am thinking what my child will be going through in his school when his friends find out.”
Some people thought her son’s teacher was being completely inappropriate.
"I know other people are addressing your marriage so I’m gonna push past that and talk about how inappropriate it was for the teacher to say that to your child without ever discussing this with the two of you," one commenter wrote. "She pulled your child into this affair drama by discussing his half-sibling that he was unaware of."
"Mistakes were made from all adults in this situation but the teacher f—ed up the most," someone else agreed. "What made her think it was okay to f— their students parent who is married? Then tell the student for absolutely no reason? It’s incredibly inappropriate. You at least had the balls to tell your husband you cheated while he cheated for a longer time and didn’t have the balls to tell you he cheated and got the other girl pregnant."
"The teacher should be turned into the school because this is an unacceptable thing for a teacher to do with a students parent," another commenter chimed in. "The whole thing is a mess and all involved shoulder the blame but she should not be engaging in this kind of situation as a teacher. Not professional at all and I am assuming against school policy."
Other people thought this was probably the nail in the coffin for this relationship.
"Neither of you take this marriage seriously. It is not a fairytale. It is a nightmare," wrote one person. "Decide if you want to keep the baby. You don’t have to. Either way divorce."
"Neither one of you has shown much of a commitment to your marriage. If you were stressed before, think of how you are going to feel once these babies are born," someone else pointed out.
A third commenter had some strong words for the mom.
"You got what you deserve," the person wrote. "The only advice I can tell is that, from now on, you should start prioritizing your kids' well-being."
If the OP and her husband are going to try to make their marriage work, then counseling is definitely needed. These two have clearly hurt each other more than any of us can really know, and only they can decide if it's worth the work to make things right.
These stories are based on posts found on Reddit. Reddit is a user-generated social news aggregation, web content rating, and discussion website where registered members submit content to the site and can up- or down-vote the content. The accuracy and authenticity of each story cannot be confirmed by our staff.