15 Tweets That Nail How We All Feel About Spring Coming This Year

Well, 2020 was a heck of a year. Everyone has seen some things in the past 365 days and every single one of us is ready to get outside and breathe some fresh air this spring. Self-isolating was fun for a few weeks, but enough is enough. Birds are singing, plants are coming alive, and warm weather is begging us to run free in the great outdoors.

The anniversary of the beginning of the Thing That Shall Not Be Named is upon the world, and all anyone wants to do is get back to normal. So to say people are excited about spring break this year would be an epic understatement. Following are some tweets that nail how we all feel about spring coming this year.

Vaccination Envy

Embedded content: https://twitter.com/Illyriel/status/1368921824151670789

Forget the days of envying friends at sunny, resort destinations. This spring the thing to look forward to is getting vaccinated and getting back to more "normal" days again.

It's Not Over Yet

Embedded content: https://twitter.com/CarrdiganButton/status/1368921375835062277

Don't put the horse before the carriage this spring. Even though cases are going down and vaccinations are going up, still stay vigilant. No one's truly safe until we're all vaccinated.

Spring Got People Feeling a Certain Way

Embedded content: https://twitter.com/Lima_Leem/status/1368920171813945349

After a year in lockdown, everyone is looking forward to the little things: warm weather, flowers blooming, and spring break. Never thought people would be so excited to live their normal lives again.

Livin' That Pollen Life

Embedded content: https://twitter.com/mathieufnt/status/1368916294280609797

Beauty is pain. In order to get to enjoy the beauty of nature blooming, be prepared to endure the pain of seasonal allergies. Spring is worth it β€” especially this year.

Spring Is So Bright

Embedded content: https://twitter.com/kurtpeacock/status/1368915258383958023

No complaining here. Avoiding the glare of sunshine on a warm day is better than living that cold and cozy life any day of the week.

Birds and Bees

Embedded content: https://twitter.com/CheyanneSaysHii/status/1368909743624970241

Nothing says spring like hayfever and creepy crawlers. In good news, at least it's pretty outside.

Buh-Bye Dumpster Fire

Embedded content: https://twitter.com/DeborahACruz/status/1368948768725471236

Spring cleaning 2021 has been canceled for moms everywhere. Pass it on! The world's been disinfecting nonstop for the past 365 days. More cleaning is not needed. That's a no thank you for us.

Fight for the Right To Party

Embedded content: https://twitter.com/fokised1/status/1368906914256592902

It's come to that part of the pandemic where some people are choosing sanity over safety in a world where both are in huge demand and short supply. Have fun, and stay safe.

Spring Struggle Bus

Embedded content: https://twitter.com/SheilaGrayTV/status/1368872457289994240

Daylight saving time is not for the weak. Spring forward is about to mess up mornings for families for the next three weeks. Proceed with caution.

What Doesn't Kill U s...

Embedded content: https://twitter.com/katstiennon/status/1368999734967480321

Sometimes, people just prefer to be a little weak and alive than strong and almost dead. The year's been hard enough; no one needs to be tested any further.

Sneezy in the House

Embedded content: https://twitter.com/RachelMaySmith/status/1368999732429824005

Hi ho, hi ho. It's off to blow our nose we go. Allergies run rampant this time of year, and with that comes lots of coughing and sneezing β€” not the best situation in a pandemic.

Spring Is Drunk

Embedded content: https://twitter.com/ColouredGinger/status/1368974302780006404

Midwesterners know what's up. One day it's 30 degrees and a blizzard, and the next day it's sunny and 70 degrees. Spring is definitely drunk.

In Like a Lamb

Embedded content: https://twitter.com/TheRealLiowen/status/1368999288877948928

Everyone's heard the saying "In like a lamb and out like a lion" when referring to spring weather, but when talking about allergies, spring seems to be coming in like a wrecking ball. Drink plenty of water and stay inside until June.

Mother Nature Don't Play

Embedded content: https://twitter.com/TexasJillybean/status/1368996841489108992

Springtime is its own box of chocolates β€” never knowing when some new bird, bug, or furry friend is going to appear out of nowhere and give a fright. Oh, the joys of spring.

The Geese Know

Embedded content: https://twitter.com/NostalgiaDigest/status/1368927231813316610

Apparently, geese are the original fair-weathered friends. When they start showing up, it means the good times are about to roll. This one showed up during a spring training game the Chicago Cubs played in Arizona, but soon enough they'll appear on the team's home field.