Every year, people get more and more creative with their Halloween decorations. And why not? It’s a fun way to spend time with your family. Going beyond your typical black cats and jack-o’-lanterns is a great way to flex your innovative muscles.
But it’s possible for your Halloween decor to go too far. One mom in the UK learned this when she took her kid to a play center. The people who decorated the play area probably thought it was harmless, but it was definitely concerning for parents.
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The decor was a little concerning.
A mom in Gloucestershire took her child to a play center called Rugrats and Halfpints to have some play time. During their time there, she noticed a truly surprising piece of Halloween decor in the play area, Sky News reported. She saw what looked like bodies wrapped in plastic dangling from poles in the soft play area.
The visual was jarring for her.
The Halloween decor was likely intended to resemble body bags, which is still a concerning choice for decor at a facility for small children. Some of the bags were wrapped in tape that said things like “Caution” and “Danger.“
“The body bags were at the back which can’t be seen from the cafe area, only by kids inside,” the mom, who chose to remain anonymous, told the outlet.
You have to wonder who thought it was a good idea.
“When I saw them I did a double take — surely that can’t be what I think it is? I just didn’t want to have to explain to my kid what they were,” she said.
“I spoke to some other parents after who were as shocked as I was that it was deemed appropriate. It’s a great soft play, but that did shock me a bit!”
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The play center assured her that it would take the Halloween decorations down.

Rugrats and Halfpints, which is an affordable play space, says it’s “committed to providing a safe, clean and stimulating environment, with the emphasis on fun.” Which makes it surprising that they would think body bags are “fun” Halloween decorations.
When the company learned of the controversy, a spokesperson said the company is working on a fix.
“This is the first time someone has brought it to our attention so of course due to this we will take them down immediately,” they told Sky News. “It wasn’t to cause distress and we apologise this is how they have felt.”