Man Accused of Being a ‘Drunk Karen’ After Flipping Out on Teens Fishing Near His House

Sometimes, people take the little amounts of power they have and abuse it to a disturbing degree. Older generations have become notorious for their abuse of power, often making people that they view as lesser — like children — their targets. A lot of the time, these things happen and no one knows about it.

But now, in the age of social media, those offenders are being put on blast for their poor behavior, and rightly so. One man in Tennessee is currently going viral for the way he dealt with teenagers fishing on his property, and the video is so wild, you have to see it to believe it.

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This man showed his inner 'Karen.'

Two teens in Tennessee filmed a male "Karen" as he threatened to call the cops on them and demanded that they leave an allegedly private lake where they were fishing. In a video originally shared on TikTok by user @fishn_shi, the man breaks one of the kids' fishing poles and gets in the boys' faces, yelling at them to leave.

He refused to back off.

The man continues to yell at the boys, while two other older people look on and try to distract him. He goes back and forth between the boys, telling them to leave, as they warn him that they've called the cops. At one point, he becomes red-faced as he yells that they are fishing on a private lake while also threatening to throw their phones in the water. The boy filming says that they can charge him with assault, and the man in turn, calls them "d—s."

'They're just fishing.'

The video made its way over to X (formerly Twitter), where people immediately became angry on behalf of the boys.

"I wish I knew why this guy overreacted like that?" one person wondered. "I mean what happened to 'it's ok, go ahead and fish, just keep the area clean is all'? In my youth I had that countless times. I do know though, in MY youth that guy did that? He would be on his back."

"I understand if they’re trespassing and you’re a homeowner," another person wrote. "I completely get it. But they’re just fishing for gods sake. They’re not causing damage or being loud. I just don’t understand why folks can’t be human beings anymore."

"TENNESSEE DOESN'T OWN THIS CLOWN," someone else wrote, referencing the shirt the man was wearing.

People on social media think they've figured out the man's identity.

"It would be a shame if the HOA and homeowners was located and exposed," one person tweeted. "I want them to be famous for threatening little kids and not in a good way."

That was all the internet sleuths needed to set out to find out who the man is, and expose him for his vicious behavior.

He was potentially identified as Matt Webster, who is the chairman of the Haiti Outreach Program TN. People are pointing out the irony that he works to help people abroad, but can't even be nice to teens in his own neighborhood.

The story does end well, though.

X user TizzyEnt, got word of the story and made a video about the situation. He shared that he reached out to the boy in the video who had his fishing rod broken, and told everyone that the boys' parents chose not to press charges against Matt, even though they could have.

He also shared that when he reached out to the boy, he offered to buy him a new fishing rod, and sent the boy a $250 gift card to Bass Pro Shops to get one, proof that not everyone is terrible.