Babies are big business. There is a product out there for just about everything a mom could need. For parents who don't want their tot straying away — there's a baby leash. There is even a blouse designed so that moms and dads can carry their infant inside of it, close to their heart. Though there were the best intentions in the conception of these products, some of these inventions are almost too strange to be true.
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A baby product should make a mom's life easier. There are so many caretaking tasks that need to be done while on the go. From diaper-changing to feedings and even potty training, tools should make any of these tasks easy and quick. The problem? Not every product meets that criteria. And some are just downright strange.
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We rounded up some of the most bizarre baby gear out there. Some of which will absolutely make people wonder, "What were they thinking!?" Or maybe there's even a few that seem like they're worth trying. After all, there is that saying that one man's trash is another man's treasure! Here are the absolute weirdest and most bizarre baby products we've come across.
Pint-Size Plastic Urinal

The manufacturers promise that the Peter Potty Flushing Toddler Urinal will make potty training easier and faster because it provides a real "stand-up" experience. It even has a water reservoir that flushes real water through the unit. Can you imagine parking this thing in your bathroom? Even worse, it's another thing you have to clean.
Peter Potty Flushable Urinal ($59, Walmart)
The Daddle

Playing horsie is a classic childhood game, but this product takes it to a whole other level. The Daddle promises a "soft saddle," "adjustable straps," and a "sturdy saddle horn." And while those are nice comforts, the Daddle maybe takes itself a little too seriously.
The Daddle ($43.19, Amazon)
A Breastfeeding Harness

In theory this breastfeeding harness is for moms who are formula-feeding their babies, but it also is marketed as being useful for dads, which is a little out of our comfort zones. But hey, if it gets your baby to eat, who are we to judge?
Nurse Me Tender ($39.99, Nurse Me Tender)
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Riding Vacuum Cleaner

Talk about multitasking! The Buster is a specially designed vacuum cleaner that cleans and keeps the kid entertained for a few minutes. You have to admit, this is either a genius hack for mom and baby, or … it's a little evil.
Rideable Vacuum Cleaner by Kristina Andersson (Yanko Design)
Get Your Baby Hooked Up

The Babykeeper Basic allows you to safely hang your little one anywhere … and I mean anywhere. Apparently, it makes using a public restroom with your baby a breeze. Just hook her to the stall door and go about your, er, business.
Babykeeper Basic ($39, Mommy Essentials)
Bad Teeth Binky

The Classic Billy Bob Pacifier makes it look as though your baby has a mouth full of bad teeth. Which is pretty incredible given that your child probably doesn't have teeth at all yet! This would make an excellent prank gift, or an easy gag for Halloween.
Billy Bob Teethe Thumb Sucker Pacifier ($4.87, Amazon)
Poop Alarm

Instead of listening for grunts and cries, this "Poop Alarm" detects urine and feces every three minutes and lets you know if your baby needs a changing. Then it makes a noise and the LED lights flash to let you know that you need to get right over! Maybe a helpful tool, but definitely a conversation starter.
Baby's Poop Alarm (Price upon request, hktdc)
A Moving Potty Trainer

Don't worry, there is a built-in splash guard in this rocking potty chair — not that it's going to help much. Is this genius or would any mom be too worried to let her child potty-train on the move?
Riding Potty Chair by Potty Patty ($27.95, Potty Training Concepts)
Nose Sucker

NoseFrida, "The Snotsucker," is perhaps the grossest product on this list. The tube is placed beside the nostril, while the parent sucks the mucus out (ughh, sorry), but it has been proven to be an effective way to clear your child's nostrils.
Fridababy NoseFrida Nasal Aspirator ($19.00, Amazon)
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potty mitts

For the germaphobe mom in all of us. Meant for when your little ones have to use the public restroom, the Potty Mitt keeps their hands clean if they need to touch the toilet seat. And while that does make them a practical bathroom tool, they certainly look pretty silly.
Potty Mitts – Disposable Hand Covers for Kids (Amazon)
Baby Pod

You probably have heard that playing music for your babies while they're in utero is good for them. Well, this product takes that idea to the extreme. The Baby Pod music system is inserted vaginally so that music radiates directly to your womb. And if you're worried, yes, it is waterproof.
Baby Pod ($165.95, Baby Pod)
The Baby Lasso

Having a little trouble getting your little ones to sit still while you change their diaper? In comes the diaper lasso. Just place your baby's legs into the fabric rings for extra help during changing time. Whatever you do, don't forget to take the diaper lasso off before leaving the table.
Baby Lasso Diaper Changing Assister (Amazon)
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As the voice in their commercial reminds us, "Yes, this is a REAL product." The Windi is a way to help alleviate your baby's gas via a small insertable tube that is inserted into their backside. Here's the crazy thing — the Windi actually has rave reviews on Amazon! Go figure!
The Windi Gas and Colic Reliever for Babies ($14.99, Amazon)
The Tinkle Tube

It may not be apparent exactly how to use the Tinkle Tube, but essentially both ends of the plastic tube come off and help your little boy aim while you're in a public restroom. The website says that you can replace the plastic ends and put it back in your purse — but that's an act that's a little hard to feel good about doing.
Tinkle Tube Boy's Potty Toilet Aid ($7.99, Amazon)
Crib Dribbler

This is actually a prank gift box that was too crazy not to include! In reality, the Crib Dribbler is just a hilarious box for you to wrap your actual baby shower gift inside. However, the jokes written on the sides are more than worth the price!
Prank Pack Crob Dribbler ($7.50, Amazon)
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Baby Heels

What better way to start the lifelong torture that is women's shoes than to buy your baby a pair of high heels? No worries, this version is soft and won't hurt your baby's feet, but we have to wonder if babies need heels before they even have teeth!
Baby High Heels (Heelarious)