Just when we thought we knew all there was to know and love about breastfeeding, the Internet goes and captures the most relatable and hilarious parts of nursing our little ones. From expressing exactly what we know babies are thinking to capturing the highs and lows of weaning, extended nursing, and breastfeeding in public, these hysterical memes just get it so, so right. And they prove that no matter what we're going through, nursing mamas are truly never alone.
From the painful beginnings to those marathon nursing sessions that last half the night, the breastfeeding journey can be one heck of a rollercoaster ride for everyone involved. In fact, sometimes breastfeeding moms are left wondering where their own bodies end and their little babies' hungry mouths begin. Breastfeeding can be as cruel an experience as it can be beautiful and natural, and the emotions that go along with it are just as complex. This is why moms just have to talk about what it's like — and we absolutely need to be able to laugh about it.
Read on for 40 hilarious breastfeeding memes that will make moms do just that! These nursing memes and the demanding, breast-loving babies they feature are the absolute truth. (We're pretty sure number 8 is exactly what every baby really thinks, LOL!) Everyone will want to share these memes about breastfeeding with their best mom friends who've been there, or who are currently there — and really need to have a laugh.
For the Breastfeeding Mom Who's Always On Call

This baby has hacked the system. Mom, looks like there's a genius in our midst.
For the Unpredictable Breastfeeding Moments

Thank God for burp cloths and extra onesies.
When Breastfeeding Is Adorable

Greatest moment, ever. The only thing cuter is when they're milk drunk after they eat.
For the Distracted Breastfeeding Mom

The neighbors will understand … or they'll call the cops. But the right to breastfeed is protected in 49 states, so the odds are the cops will understand.
For Nursing Moms Who Are Done With the Haters

If they want something to be offended about, we'll give them something to be offended about, right mamas?
When Dad Tries to Feed the Nursing Baby

Nope, now is not the time. Forget that bottle feeding for this baby. He only wants mom!
For the Nursing Mom Who Keeps It Real

Anyone who says breastfeeding doesn't hurt is kind of a liar. We love it but sometimes, ouch!
For the Proud Extended Breastfeeding Mom

Breastfeeding is between Mom and baby, and other opinions aren't needed.
For the Leaky Breastfeeding Mom

"Make one wrong move and everyone will know …" Frozen's songs are so perfect for this problem. Why didn't we think of this?
For the Mom Who's Been Nursing Nonstop

Nope, nope, I'm not having it. Try again never, Mom.
Breastfeeding Words of Wisdom

This could apply to many things in mom life, but let's pour one out — actually, don't because breast milk is a precious resource — for the nursing mamas who aren't getting any sleep tonight.
For the Pumping Mom

I don't always leave the house with a 35-pound suitcase, but when I do it's because I need to pump.
When the Baby Wants Breast Milk Now

Sorry, but there's no patience here. Baby is hungry now, so Mom better get to steppin'.
For the Nursing Mom With a Teething Baby

It's all fun and games until they can really bite down. Yikes!
The Most Interesting Baby in the World

That's a kid who knows what he wants!
For the Hungry Breastfeeder

Look, it burns a lot of calories and carbohydrates are delicious. Leave us alone!
When Breastfed Babies Are 'Milk Drunk'

That's below the legal limit, right?
In Defense of Breastfeeding Moms

Look the other way, haters. We've got hungry babies to feed.
The Benefits of Breastfeeding

Agreed, breastfeeding moms? More than happy to give those rolls away.
For the Mom Who Says Breast Is Best

They call it liquid gold for a reason. Now hand it over before this demanding little guy really throws a fit!
When Breastfeeding Moms Hear a Crying Baby

We can't help it, okay? It's pure instinct.
For the Breastfeeding Shamer

There is nothing to see here. Seriously.
For the Exclusive Breastfeeding Mom

All natural, no added anything, and only "organic" for this baby.
For the Breast Milk Storing Mom

Few losses sting more than the pain of spilled breast milk.
When Babies Breastfeed Like Champions

It's an art, truly. They savor each and every last drop.
For the Moms Who Are Done Breastfeeding

Tom Brady, who? We're the ones with the scandal! No one warned us about this.
For the Moms Who Hate Nursing Covers

Preach, baby, preach! The only moms who need covers are the moms who want them.
For the Breastfeeding Mom Trying to Get Her Groove Back

The boobs have a hard time knowing when the breast milk is needed, okay? It's not our faults!
Breastfeeding Words of Wisdom

Babies can't read, but if they could, they'd definitely want to heed this advice.
For the Tired Nursing Mom

Hmm, doesn't quite seem fair to us. I blame Mother Nature.
For the Nursing Mom Missing Her Old Breasts

I wish I could promise they'd "bounce back," but we all know there's a lot less bouncing going on these days.
For the Mom Who Nurses With a Cover

It happens to the best of us. And besides, we are kind of like superheroes.
For the Breastfeeding Mom Who Just Weaned

The cereal has plenty of fiber so at least it's nutritious.
For the Hangry Breastfeeding Mom

At least Goldfish crackers and chocolate chip lactation cookies don't weigh much. No permanent damage done.
For the Breastfeeding Mom Who Needs Some Eye Candy

Well, Ryan, we certainly wouldn't mind. Thanks for the support!
For Those Difficult Breastfeeding Decisions

It's so hard to choose. I mean, they both serve great food and have a great atmosphere.
For the Mom Who Shops While Feeding

Breastfeeding may be free, but that doesn't mean we won't be spending money. Sorry, Honey!
How Babies See Breastfeeding Moms

Is that all we are to them? A walk source of food? Don't answer that.
When Breastfeeding Moms Co-Sleep

Sleeping used to be so easy. Now, we're just human food machines. At least we get snuggles!
When Breastfeeding Babies Are Always Hungry

Motherhood is a full-time job, and by "full-time" we mean 24/7.