Kids say (and draw) the darndest things. Their renderings of their parents can illuminate many truths and also show us what they think of Mom and Dad. Some traits are exaggerated and some are totally invented, but the end result is often laughter … especially when kids sit down to draw Dad's "portrait."
How crazy can it get?
Just check out these hilarious drawings of dads done by their kids. These artistic gems are sure to make it to the memory box! We love our kids, and even if their portraiture of us is unflattering, it's still something all parents treasure.
Oh, #6 never gets old, does it?
Image via Instagram
Daddy Deserves Better, Apparently

We're wondering what poor Mom did to make Olivia decide that she's ugly and that Daddy could do better. We also think Olivia might need a time-out.
Don't Talk of Daddy's Gas

We all know how kids love talking about farts and talking smack about their parents, so here's an irresistable combo. Dads and gas. They go together like peanut butter and jelly.
Ugh, Dad Has His Phone Out Again

This dad says that he refers to his phone a lot at dinner while discussing important topics with his kids. It's quite clear what his daughter thinks of this dinnertime ritual!
Just Call Him Daddy Donuts

Mom tells us this little one drew her daddy with a belly so big "because it's full of donuts." Daddy, looks like she's blown your cover.
More from The Stir: 15 Unintentionally Hilarious & Inappropriate Kid Drawings (PHOTOS)
Don't Tell Mom That Daddy Threw The Baby

We all know daddies tend to roughhouse more than moms, but that little guy looks terrified while Daddy tosses him into the snow! Good thing his older sister documented the evidence!
No One Can "Cock" Like Dad

We think this may go down in history as the best kid-drawing flub of all time. Poor Dad will never live it down!
But Dads Need Sleep Too!

We love how specific and shame-y this son is being to ensure his dad doesn't sleep away their special day. We hope it worked out for the little guy!
Who Needs Arms Anyway

When asked why her dad's arms were so low on his body, this little girl said, "Those aren't arms, it's a bench!" Naturally.
More from The Stir: I Let My Son Draw On His Bedroom Walls & I'm Glad I Did (PHOTOS)
A Little Devil On Daddy's Shoulder

We love how this kid perches herself right on Daddy's shoulder. Is she an angel or a devil? Guessing equal parts of both.
A Disembodied Dad Head

Hey kiddo, doesn't Dad get a body? And we won't ask about the hair. That's some rough-looking hair.
Daddy Is Made of Tools

Dads love tools, right? We think this kid cut out the middleman and just turned Daddy into a giant wrench. We're sure he's handy around the house with those legs!
Does Daddy Have a Parasite?

This dad thinks his son drew him with a tapeworm in his stomach and we totally see it. Hang in there, Dad!
More from The Stir: Dad Covers His Body in Tattoos of Son's Artwork (PHOTOS)
Oink Oink, Daddy

Daddy is looking rough through the eyes of his kid in this portrait. That unibrow. That nose. Those teeth! What did he do to deserve this?!
Daddy Sure Loves Sugar

We're not sure this amazing portrait even needs a caption. We can only imagine this dad's face when his daughter brought this drawing home from school. Yikes!
Nice Flat-Top

Daddy is looking a little bit like Kid 'n' Play in this rendering by his daughter. Mommy got much better hair!
What's on Daddy's Head?

We aren't sure what's funnier — the formless (and fingerless) limbs, or that hat. Who needs fingers anyway?
More from The Stir: Child's 'How to Go Poop' Drawings Make Potty Training Seem So Simple (PHOTOS)
Is That a Skin Condition?

We wondered about those feet, but the more concerning aspect of this portrait is the little dots all over both Mom and Dad. And also, Mom's hair. Is it just us or does it resemble something other than hair?
Hair for Days

We love the Cheshire cat grin, but the best part of this portrait is the wreath of hair all the way around his face. That's some beard!
Those Legs, Though

We can see this kid knows Daddy is the tallest family member by those lovely stork legs she drew. Would a lower body have been too much to ask, though?
Dads Need Clothes Too, Kid

What did this dad do wrong that mom gets clothes, and he's a naked stick figure? Maybe he should increase his kid's allowance?
More from The Stir: 19 Awesome Pieces of Kid Art Parents Have Tattooed on Their Bodies