Kristen Ward lost her daughter Lily just 34 minutes after she was born. Nearly one year to the day later, she welcomed her second little girl, Harper. Both births were captured by Jordan Burch Photography, and the images beautifully illustrate the extreme sadness and pure joy this mom has experienced.
Losing a child is something no parent should ever have to live through. While the couple knew mid-pregnancy Lily wouldn't survive due to a terminal illness, the decision was made to see the pregnancy to fruition. Though it was believed their baby wouldn't live through the delivery, she survived for 34 glorious minutes, allowing her parents time to hold and love her.
Also, deeply saddened by the loss was big brother Cooper, a kindergartner, who wasn't told the baby wouldn't be coming home with the family until after she was born. The brave boy told his teacher the following day that his new sister was "in heaven."
While any birth is an awe-inspiring event, knowing and seeing the devastating loss this family survived makes these images that much sweeter.
Images via Jordan Burch Photography
Nearly One Year Ago ...

Kristen's doctor prepares to deliver the infant the family knows will not survive. The gravity of the situation is palpable from her expression. This will not be an easy delivery for anyone in the room or on staff.
A Portrait of Loss

Kristen and her husband take a moment to savor their sweet baby girl. We can't even begin to imagine how difficult it must have been for this family to meet their daughter and say good-bye to her on the same day.

Devastating. But, it's wonderful that Jordan was able to capture these precious moments. The family will always have them to treasure the memory of the little girl who was only with them for a short while but will remain in their hearts forever.
Meet Harper

This beautiful rainbow baby, Harper, arrived arms outstretched, healthy, and ready to meet her adoring family. Welcome to the world, Harper — you've already made so many people happy.
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Tears of Joy

Almost one year to the day they lost their baby girl, the family welcomed their new little one. You can see the joy on Kristen's face when she meets her new daughter. Jordan captured tears of joy on Kristen's cheeks, where her tears of sadness fell after Lily's passing. It's a wonderful new beginning for this family.
A Dream Come to Life

We can only imagine how much emotion this embrace embodied. This doctor, who delivered both Lily and Harper, clearly knows how much this means to this family. She's been there in sad times and in jubilation, representing a wonderful full-circle.
Harper's Birth

Even as Harper is wailing, her mom looks on with love and amazement. Welcoming a child after losing one is a moment so many parents only dream of. For the Wards, it's real and beautiful.
She's Here!

It's wonderful to see how excited big brother Cooper is to meet his new baby sister. His face is priceless. It's wonderful Jordan was there to capture it.
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Shared Joy

This doctor's smile says it all. She looks genuinely thrilled to be an integral part of this joyous occasion.
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Here, at Last

This baby has brought so much happiness to her parents, grandparents, and excited big brother. Something tells us she's going to be cherished every moment.
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A Beautiful Rainbow Baby

What a gorgeous infant! The family now seems complete and content. We're overjoyed for them!
Pure Bliss

Ah, Cooper, Harper is lucky to have you! You two look perfect together. We can only imagine the fun you'll have growing up together.
Harper's Protector

Look at Cooper's sweet face, beaming with pride. You just know he's going to protect her and keep her safe. What an awesome big brother!
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