#BabySharkHandWashChallenge Is Inspiring Kids To Scrub Those Hands

When Baby Shark burst onto the scene, we went through a roller coaster of emotions. That song took us from true amusement to existential dread as our kids of all ages became obsessed with it. However, we might want to get the familiar ditty stuck in our heads again to help our kids remember the importances of washing hands.

Right now, a version of 'Baby Shark' is floating around that focuses on how to wash hands properly.

In it we see our beloved Baby Shark dancing to the tune of his anthem with the words:

"Wash your hands doo doo doo doo doo …"

In the right lower corner, live footage shows a person thoroughly scrubbing their hands.

Throughout the video, Baby Shark instruct kids on how to do it.


He croons "Grab some soap," "Rub your hands," and "Rinse your hands."

After he's done singing the hand-washing instructions, he then tells kids to cover their sneezes and to cough into their elbows, all in a bid to help them stay safe and clean.

Still having trouble getting kids to wash their hands for the right amount of time? Baby Shark has a video for that too!

The time ticks by for 20 seconds in the top right corner, and it counts down to let kids know how long to wash their hands — which is actually a welcome alternative to singing Happy Birthday 10,000 times.

The video even has instructions on what kids should focus on.


During the top part of the song, kids are encourages to get the soap and water on their hands. While they are singing Mommy Shark's part, they can scrub their fingers, and so on and so forth.

As much as it pains me to say this, I'm pretty thankful for the visual tutorial these days.

Perhaps we can at least stop wrestling them at the sink while they scrub away those germs? Big thanks to Baby Shark and all the children's media stressing the importance of hand-washing and hygiene during this time.

Heck, there are a few adults who could benefit from this too!